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Date Posted: 05:16:33 05/18/03 Sun
Author: auntieauntie2001
Subject: I just wrote to you above in "Waiting for O Fairy" tee hee!
In reply to: sabra 's message, "A.M. havent seen you in a while hope all is well. I'm doing fine trying not to obsess" on 21:32:39 05/17/03 Sat

I am doing well, in that I am sterring clear of most anything that could be obsessive or depressing...which is why I haven't been on much lately.

I am cd11 so it looks like I am a little bit ahead of you this month, but, who knows what can happen!?!? I know what I am hoping and praying for! I need to do some more research with the insurance company regarding IVF coverage cause I think I want to move this along if it doesn't work this month. I have talked to a lot of my friends that have done that and they wish they would have done it earlier.

How are you doing? I know you said you weren't going to temp this month....how is that going? I don't know if I could do it....it was hard enough not doing it the couple I days I was on vacation! but to go off of it completely.....I am getting sweaty just thinking of it! :-)

I will try to be more active on the boards the next few weeks...promise!

gotta fly to church...choir is singing today!

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  • Did I get written off as a CB? I haven't been here much.. :( Sorry. (NT) -- sctschk, 12:29:34 05/18/03 Sun
  • nooooo, But I worry that anne marie is leaving me! we have been c.b's for many cycles. You I know are going to stay IT'S YOUR BOARD ! tee hee (NT) -- sabra, 19:13:31 05/18/03 Sun

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