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Date Posted: 11:26:18 05/18/03 Sun
Author: ally
Subject: I LOVE long messages, Colleen... (m)
In reply to: Colleen 's message, "Hi, Ally!! .....(m)" on 10:28:01 05/18/03 Sun

... so don't worry about the "novel"! I am so excited for you. Keep those "good feelings" coming. This cycle, I had a "good feeling" too. For some reason, just really at peace, thinking "It's just going to happen for me now. The timing is right." And sure enough...

Clomid is like the miracle drug, I know so many women who have had success with it. I will be thinking about you and hoping that it works the first time! Yes, technology sure is amazing... my mom once told me that in her day she wasn't allowed to even see the "baby doctor" until she missed TWO periods. I bet none of us on this board today could put up with that! Now the doctor will see you to confirm ovulation! Imagine! :-)

Oh, re: your question about what I do... it's sort of a long story. I USED to work in marketing/finance. I was a marketing manager at Fidelity Investments where I oversaw the company's print advertising for newspapers and magazines like Time, Newsweek, Fortune, etc. Then I did segment marketing at a very big bank out here called Fleet Financial, where I managed some of their direct mail ads. I did this kind of work for 10 years and was making very good money, etc. but I wasn't happy at all. I couldn't stand all the bs and all the politics. I'm really much more of a creative person than a business person. I got really depressed about it and DH (my fiance at the time) and I decided that it wasn't worth me being so unhappy. So I left the "rat race" and now I help out DH with his business. He started his own company (property dev't and hardwood flooring) and is doing really well. I do his books and advertising, etc. but mostly I just take it easy. I love not working and I feel really blessed to just enjoy my days. That's my saga!!! Now, THAT'S a novel, right?

Thanks for asking, please tell me more about YOU!!! You seem like a very kind, warm person. Your warmth always comes through in all your messages.

Have a wonderful Sunday, Colleen. I'll check the boards later tonight!!

Ally :-)

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