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-Inner Circle-
- The Inner Circle Welcomes thee.... Maybe-
-ON your strange journey through this place, you stumble upon a small door off the main corridoor in the Hotel. You remembered that you are supposed to be welcomed everywhere, so you step through it. You look up, and looking down on you is Arian, smirking wickedly. Her cold eyes flash wiht excitement as you walk through the door into the large hallyway. She sits atop a throne, ohters like yourself surrounding her, talking to her. She dismisses all of them and speaks to you- " Welcome, new one. This is the Ineer Circle, the lair for some of the most trusted of Vampires. You amy stay for now... but if we find that you've done anything against the clans, oyu will be terminated." -She shays this with a satisfied smirk. She then rises and leaves...leaving you with al lof the ohters, to decide if you are to stay here, or if you are to board with another clan.-

Those worthy of the Circle:

High Vampress: -Arian-

Vampress' Right hand: -Don't think so..-
Vampires' right hand: -None now-

Other Clan Members:



NEWS: Welcome everyone... all new clanmembers who have a picture.. tell me and it will be put up... other than that... please stay active!
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