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Date Posted: 15:35:35 07/10/03 Thu
Author: Pearl Streamsong of the Snickering Snoops
Subject: It's Tug-of-War: I'm the Rope

Only my immeadiate family knew this before now, so I'm not comfortable enough to make it too plain. Thart's why it's sorta cryptic and foolish-sounding.

Why me?
Is it reality?
Or just a dream
That goes away.

I don't want to hear it
Because it is about me
I don't want to see it
It's ripping up my family

Can't they get along?
Mother and daughter after all
Don't they realize that?
I feel like it is my fault

I wish it never happened
I would still have my life
Not sharing it with two "Mothers"
And watching all the strife

Just leave it be
Let the past go
Stop opening wounds
From long ago

I cannot hide
The house carries noice
I'm given an option
But I only have one choice

I want to stay
She is going
Yelling "I'll be back"
Voice never flowing

It has a harsh, clipped sound
Is it the truth, anyway?
I hide but not for long
School is on the next day

I'm afraid
She'll come and find me
Tears running down,
I tell ones who are kindly

It's over now
The fight's been looked
But not to me
Even Redwall can't keep me hooked

Enough to totally
Forget I almost had to
Leave the one I felt was
Enough to see me through

I'm breathing calmly now
She didn't follow through her threat
I'm not afraid anymore
Or am I, despite all of that?

I do not know
I'm glad of one thing, though.

I'm not a rope in tug-of-war
I'm safe with Grammy forevermore

**sigh** Is it too cryptic to be a poem? If so, e-mail me so I can redo it for points.

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