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Date Posted: 21:18:12 11/21/03 Fri
Author: Talno
Subject: Eeh! Must make happy poem... (inside)

(made in a couple minutes so kinda choppy/sloppy)

One evenings day,
on Galin's bay,
I sat to watch the sun,

The dock did groan,
and the seagulls moan,
twas not the most of fun,

But fate came by,
so sleek and sly,
and swept me up away,

Up towards the clouds,
to mists and shrouds,
a wishin' I would stay,

The winds were swift,
and clouds alift,
my heart was filled with mirth,

But out of the mist,
came like a fist,
looked like nothing from the earth,

With rose red scales,
and shreiks and wails,
it nearly felled my perch,

It's flaming eyes,
reflected the skies,
it's arms as strong as birch,

"oh unfortunate woe,
thou brings't me a foe?"
The lizard spoke with a laugh,

"Dear wyvern, away!
I'm having a good day,
so go return to your gaff"(British slang for a house)

At that the snake screeched,
all joys were impeached,
for the wyrm flailed out,

Down through the clouds I tumbled,
but then the dragon humbled,
seeing it would be a waste,

In the water I plunged,
coming out like a sponge,
swimming away with haste,

away I fled,
hiding in a shed,
never again to watch the sunrise...

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