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Date Posted: 16:22:11 03/30/04 Tue
Author: Laurelina Windsong
Subject: Tears to Laughs

It was last February, a long dark night
My mom came talked to me, in a low voice
Said "Gramma's heart stopped, but it's alright
She's still going strong."

I blamed myself then, I remember
How long ago it seems
For she was having surgery
On her broken knee.

The day I was five, going down the hill
On my new bike, purple and pink
Brakes were unheard of, she ran after me
She fell in the pebbled alley, I think.

I felt really guilty then
As I did a year ago
I realized it wasn't my fault
But that didn't help Gramma, though.

The year crept on, summer came
And prospects didn't improve
She was in and out of the hospital
And our long distance bill got huge.

I went away to camp
And escaped it for awhile
But try as I might, it lurked in the corner
Never giving me enough time.

When I went on the trip I feared I would hear
About it afterwards
I imangined the scene, outside my school
My mom saying the dreaded words.

Made sadder and scarier
By a roomate who got a call
Her grandmother died that day
I felt her pain as we helped her stand tall.

And sure enough, My mom did say
"Gramma passed away,"
The tears came fast, just as the pain
As I thought of things I'd wanted to say.

I hadn't seen her in over a year
"I love you," was my first
"I'll always try for you," I thought
Although my heart might burst.

The next day a whirlwind of sadness
Handing teachers the note
Hearing them say "I'm sorry,"
As the tightness rose in my throat.

One friend said a comforting thing
She said, "Yea, funerals are sad,
But by the time it's done, you'll be laughing
Everyone'll be glad."

And she was right, the tears came out
But eventually turned to smiles
She taught me that tears can turn to laughs
So here's to you, Gramma, your life was more than worthwhile.

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