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Date Posted: 15:27:30 05/06/03 Tue
Author: Laurelina Windsong still waiting for her name to be guessed
Subject: kinda disturbing??!!!
In reply to: Faromear who wants you for the US army! (but not really ^_^) 's message, "Scary, disturbing poem" on 12:07:02 04/20/03 Sun

>The last Breath
>Struck with a curse,
>more deadly, more worse,
>in moments I shall come to pass,
>as I lay upon the grass, I start to dig, my grave I
>worse than the famine in which I starve,
>In the moonlghts glow I do lay,
>preparing myself for a very long stay,
>inside the hole about seven feet deep,
>with roughned walls tall and steep,
>fixing my eyes on the black shape,
>with it's glowing eyes and black cape,
>"Pick up the shovel!" I yell to him,
>but no reply comes from it, just standing there dark
>and grim,
>he picks up the shovel and digs out some dirt,
>at the brink of death I do flirt.
>The ground whispers in my ear,
>"don't forget,
>your quite near,
>to being dead and everlasting sweet,
>so get comfortable and take a seat,
>life is over breath your last,
>soon your life will be past".
>And as the lid closes with a groan,
>laying amongst the dirt and stone,
>and as the last light dissappears,
>my body fills with horrors and fears,
>and as the first dirt hits the coffin lid, with
>hellish beasts drifting amid,
>I lay here and die,
>letting out one last sigh.
>I don't know why I wrote this. It is kinda disturbing.
>But oh well! ^_^

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