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Date Posted: 11:45:41 06/29/03 Sun
Author: Talno Moonwhisp
Subject: very, unique
In reply to: Dunshee 's message, "The Purple Monkey" on 19:56:18 06/25/03 Wed

>A long, long time ago
>A purple wind began to blow
>And then the purple wind did sing
>And made a pruple monkey king
>Then the monkey opened his eyes
>And liked the colour of the skies
>But when he tried to look around
>He saw no beauty on the ground
>So then the monkey began to create
>He made the fish and made the bait
>He made the sea for them to swim
>Then he made a shark named Kim
>He made the moon he made the sun
>He made the stars eleven by one
>He made the dirt he made the air
>Then he made a big brown bear
>He made the rest of the plants and trees
>Then he made pink bumblebees
>At last he finished making beasts
>And every Thursday had a feast
>The purple monkey ruled all from his throne
>Even the mirror and an ice cream cone
>Everyone lived long and peacefully
>Even the mean old Stickabee
>Then one day a lon came
>He ate the stickabee as if a game
>He roared at the monkey and the monkey fled
>So the lion ruled int he monkey's stead
>The lion's rule was a golden age
>Which sent the monkey into fits of rage
>He swore revenge upon the lion
>And to this day he still is trying
>How the monkey got revenge
>Is he went to a place called Stonehenge
>There he transformed into a human presto
>With enough smarts to kill his foe
>But something terrible happened to the ex-king
>He forgot how to change back and forgot how to sing
>So he went off to live his life alone
>And let the lion rule upon his throne.

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