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Date Posted: 09:33:57 07/02/03 Wed
Author: Laurelina Windsong
Subject: yea, this is the one i won Thistle's contest with
In reply to: Talno Moonwhisp 's message, "I like how you made a poem into a sort of description. Very cool!" on 12:05:48 06/29/03 Sun

>>The deep green eyes, the smooth dark fur
>>The dress of simple blue
>>The laurel wreaths, ‘round her waist and head
>>Given out to those who’re new.
>>A chat’ring mouth, a loaded sling
>>A heavy book and quill
>>The perky ears, the excited smile
>>And a bushy aerobic tail.
>>The sensitive smile, the saddened eyes
>>That somehow begin to flame
>>The clenched paws, the determined brow
>>To put evil beasts in chains.
>>The silents small limp form
>>Found one morn on a Mossflower path
>>Brought to Redwall and looked after
>>Bewildering Redwallers in her aftermath.
>>Though silent at first, she found her voice
>>And suddenly began talking away
>>The confuzzled squirrelmaid, a member of DAB
>>Laurelina Windsong is her name.

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