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Author: chris harris (curious) |
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Date Posted: 12:59:04 12/02/09 Wed I hope this works >Hello! I've got some awesome news that I think you >need to take two >minutes to read if you have ever thought "How could I >make some >serious cash in a hurry???" , or been in serious debt, >ready to do >almost anything to get the money needed to pay off >those bill >collectors. So grab a snack, a warm cup of coffee, or >a glass of your >favorite beverage, get comfortable and listen to this >interesting, >exciting find! > >Let me start by saying that I FINALLY FOUND IT! That's >right! I found >it! And I HATE GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES!! I hate those >schemes like >multi-level marketing, mail-order schemes, envelope >stuffing scams, >900 number scams... the list goes on forever. I have >tried every darn >get rich quick scheme out there over the past couple >years. I somehow got >on mailing lists for people looking to make money >(more like >'desperate stupid people who will try anything for >money!'). Well, >when I was a teenager, these claims to 'get me rich >quick' sounded >irresistible! I would shell out $14.95 here, $29.95 >there, $24.95 >here, and another $49.95 there. I had maxed out my new >Circuit City >Card AND my Visa...I was desperate for money!! So, I >gave them all a >chance but failed at every one of them! Maybe they >worked for some >people, but not for me. Eventually, I just tossed that >JUNK MAIL in >the trash when I got the mail. I recognized it right >away. I can >smell a money scam from a mile away these days, SO I >THOUGHT.... I >thought I could sniff out a scam easily. WAS I WRONG!! >....I LOVE >THE INTERNET!!! > >I was scanning thru a NEWSGROUP and saw an article >stating to GET >CASH FAST!! I thought..."Here on the Internet?? Well, >I'll just have >to see what schemes could possibly be on the >internet." The article >described a way to MAIL A ONE DOLLAR BILL TO ONLY FIVE >PEOPLE AND MAKE >$50, 0000 IN CASH WITHIN 4 WEEKS! Well, the more I >thought about it, >the more I became very curious. Why? Because of the >way it worked AND >BECAUSE IT WOULD ONLY COST ME FIVE DOLLARS (AND FIVE >STAMPS), THAT'S >ALL I EVER PAY....EVER!! > >Ok, so the $50,000 in cash was maybe an tough amount >to reach, but >it was possible. I knew that I could at least get a >return of $1,000 >or so. So I did it!! As per the instructions in the >article, I mailed >out ('snail mail' for you e-mail fanatics) a single >dollar bill to >each of the five people on the list that was contained >in the article. >I included a small note, with the dollar, that stated >"Please Add Me >To Your List." I then removed the first position name >of the five >names listed and moved everyone up one position, and I >put my name in >position five of the list. This is how the money >starts rolling in! >I then took this revised article now with my name on >the list and >REPOSTED IT ON AS MANY NEWSGROUPS AND LOCAL BULLETIN >BOARD >MESSAGE AREAS THAT I KNEW. I then waited to watch the >money come >in...prepared to maybe receive about $1000 to $1500 in >cash or so.... >But what a welcome surprise when those envelopes kept >coming in!!! I >knew what they were as soon as I saw the return >addresses from people >all over the world -Most from the U.S., but some from >Canada, even >some from Australia! I tell you, THAT WAS EXCITING!! >So how much did >I get in total return? $1000? $5000? Not even!!! I >received a total >of $23,343!!! I couldn't believe it!! > >I now have a brand new black Acura Integra to speak >for, due to >this!! Now after almost 8 months, I am ready to do it >again!!! So >maybe it was possible to get $50,000 in cash, I don't >know, but IT >COMPLETELY DEPENDS ON YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL! You must >follow through >and repost this article everywhere you can think of! >The more >postings you achieve will determine how much cash will >arrive in your >very own mailbox!! It's just too easy to pass up!!! > >Let's review the reasons why you should do thisThe >only cost >factors are for the five stamps, the 5 envelopes and >the 5 one dollar >bills that you send out to the listed names by snail >mail (US Postal >Service Mail). Then just simply repost the article >(WITH YOUR NAME >ADDED) to all the newsgroups and local BBS's you can. >Then sit back >and, (ironically), enjoy walking (you can run if you >like! :o ) down >your driveway to your mailbox and scoop up your >rewards!! We all have >five dollars to put into such an easy effortless >investment with >SPECTACULAR REALISTIC RETURNS OF $15,000 to $25,000 in >about 3-5 >weeks! So HOLD OFF ON THOSE LOTTERY NUMBERS FOR TODAY, >EAT AT HOME TONIGHT INSTEAD OF TAKEOUT FROM McDONALDS >AND INVEST FIVE > >DOLLARS IN THIS AMAZING MONEY MAKING SYSTEM NOW!!! YOU >CAN'T LOSE!! > >So how do you do it exactly, you ask? I have carefully >provided >the most detailed, yet straightforward instructions on >how to easily >get this underway and get your cash on its way. SO, >ARE YOU READY TO >MAKE SOME CASH!!!?? HERE WE GO!!! > >*** THE LIST OF NAMES IS AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE. >*** > >OK, Read this carefully. Get a printout of this >information, if you >like, so you can easily refer to it as often as >needed. > >INSTRUCTIONS > >1. Take a sheet of paper and write on it the >following"Please add >my name to your list". This creates a service out of >this money >making system and thus making it completely legal. You >are not just >randomly sending a dollar to someone, you are paying >one dollar for a >legitimate service. Make sure you include your name >and address. I >assure you that, again, this is completely legal! For >a neat little >twist, also write what slot their name was in"You were >in slot 3", >Just to add a little fun! This is all about having fun >and making >money at the same time! > >2. Now fold this sheet of paper around a dollar bill >,(no checks or >money orders), and put them into an envelope and send >it on its way to >the five people listed. The folding of the paper >around the bill will >insure its arrival to its recipient. THIS STEP IS >IMPORTANT!! > >3. Now listen carefully, here's where you get YOUR >MONEY COMING TO >YOUR MAILBOX. Look at the list of five people; remove >the first >name from position one and move everyone on the list >up slot one on >the list. Position 2 name will now move to the >position 1 slot , >position 3 will now become position 2, 4 will be 3, 5 >will be 4. Now >put your name, address, zipcode AND COUNTRY in >position 5, the bottom >position on the list. > >4. Now upload this updated file to as many newsgroups >and local >bulletin boards' message areas & file section as >possible. Give a >catchy description of the file so it gets noticed!! >Such as"NEED >FAST CASH?, HERE IT IS!" or "NEED CASH TO PAY OFF YOUR >DEBTS??", etc. >And the more uploads, the more money you will make, >and of course, the >more money the others on the list will make too. LET'S >ALL TAKE CARE >OF EACH OTHER BY BEING HONEST AND BY PUTTING FORTH 120 >PERCENT INTO >THIS PROFITABLE & AMAZING SYSTEM!!! You'll reap the >benefits, believe >me!!! Set a goal for the number of total uploads >you'll post, such as >15-20 postings or more! Always have a goal in mind!!! >If you can UUE encode the file when uploading, that >will make it >easier for the people to receive it and have it >downloaded to their >hard drive. That way they get a copy of the article >right on their >computer without hassles of viewing and then saving >the article from >the File menu. Don't alter the file type, leave it as >an MS-DOS Text >file. The best test is to be able to view this file >using Microsoft's >Notepad for Windows 3.x or WordPad for Windows '95. If >the margins >look right without making the screen slide left or >right when at the >ends of the sentences, you're in business! > >5. If you need help uploading, simply ask the sysop of >the BBS, or >"POST" a message on a newsgroup asking how to post a >file, tell them >who your Internet provider is and PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS >BE GLAD TO HELP. >I would try to describe how to do it but there are >simply too many >internet software packages with slightly different yet >relatively >simple ways to post or upload a file. Just ask for >help or look in >the help section for 'posting'. I do know that for >GNN, you simply >select 'POST' then enter a catchy description under >the subject box, >choose 'ATTACH', selecting 'UUE' and NOT 'TXT', then >choose 'Browse' to go look for the file. Find your >text file CASH.TXT >and click on it and choose 'OK'. Place a one line >statement in the >main body section of the message post screen. >Something like "Download >this to read how to get cash arriving in your mailbox >with no >paybacks!" or whatever. Just make sure it represents >its true >feasibility, NOT something like..."Get one million >dollars flooding in >your mailbox in two days!" You'll never get ANY >responses! > >6. And this is the step I like. JUST SIT BACK AND >ENJOY LIFE BECAUSE > >CASH IS ON ITS THE WAY!! Expect to see a little money >start to >trickle in around 2 weeks, but AT ABOUT WEEKS 3 & 4, >THE MONEY STORM >WILL HIT YOUR MAILBOX!! All you have to do is take it >out of the >mailbox and try not to scream too loud (outside >anyway) when you >realize YOU HIT THE BIG TIME AT LAST!! > >7. So go PAY OFF YOUR BILLS AND DEBTS and then get >that something >special you always wanted or buy that special person >in your life (or >the one you want in your life) a gift they'll never >forget. ENJOY >LIFE! > >8. Now when you get low on this money supply, simply >re-activate >this file again; Reposting it in the old places where >you originally >posted and possibly some new places you now know of. >Don't ever lose >this file, always keep a copy at your reach for when >you ever need >cash. THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE TOOL THAT YOU CAN ALWAYS >RE-USE TIME AND >TIME AGAIN WHEN CASH IS NEEDED! > >9. (This step added by Charles Reiley). Hello, This is >exciting >isn't it?! While I'm on the list, just add a note >saying "Please >include extra money tips" with your name & E-MAIL >address, and I will >(FOR FREE) send you some neat methods to increase the >money you will >receive with this plan. >Why?... Why not? I'm not a selfish jerk...I like >helping out others. >E-mail just makes it a touch easier and cheaper, too! >After I drop >off the list, I can no longer offer you this advice, >obviously, but >maybe someone else who gets my tips will offer and >simply replace my >name on this step number 9. Good luck and give this >plan your all, it >will definitely pay off! >Like Mike said, HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! > >******************************************************* >******************* >******************************************************* >******************* >THE NAMES LIST THE NAMES LIST THE NAMES LIST >******************************************************* >******************* > >HONESTY IS WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM SUCCESSFUL!! > >1. Christopher Harris >1601 Fifth Avenue >Pittsburgh, PA 15219 >USA > >2. Michae Pesqueira >370 Chapalita Dr >Encinitas,CA 92024 >USA > >3. Donna L. Ross >1026 St. James Rd. >Cheyenne, WY 82009 >USA > >4. Ryan Rytlewski >1919 E. Kenwood Blvd >Milwaukee, WI 53211 >USA > >5.Lisa DeLuca >43 Nelson Avenue >Harrison, NY 10528 >******************************************************* >******************** > >NOTE >Try to keep a list of everyone that sends you a dollar >and always keep >an eye on the local postings of this file...Just to >make sure that >everyone is playing the game fairly. You know where >your name should >be..... > >*** AGAIN, HONESTY IS THE BEST THING WE HAVE GOING FOR >US ON THIS PLAN. > >FOR MORE INFO GO TO: > [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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