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Date Posted: Friday, November 12, 12:53:54pm
Author: El Duque
Subject: Separation of "church" & "state."
In reply to: LouDuq 's message, "It's sad, that even in your day ('79-'80), it was a big friggin deal to have Duquesne come up with enough money to promote their basketball program. Some things never change." on Friday, November 12, 03:00:04am

I'm sure you know this, but the student newspaper and the athletic department are separate organizations. In those days, there was student government for the Duke, but the size (number of pages) of each issue was determined by advertising sales.

In the late 1970s, there weren't many newspapers using full color. We were fortunate to create a Centennial Issue and a basketball preview in color, and while the pages have yellowed with time I'm happy to still have copies of both in my possession.

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