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Date Posted: Saturday, November 20, 08:54:18am
Author: Slim
Subject: Yes it was a poor performance but, geez, can we get some perspective please?
In reply to: Coffee 's message, "Don't hustle, Don't rebound, Turn it over, Lose the game" on Friday, November 19, 09:03:11pm

RMU has been a good program for several years. They've been to the tournament and we have not, they have won their conference and we have not. Say what you want about their lesser conference, but you have to prove that you can win in the situation that you are in...RMU has done that and we have not.

We played without our starting PG, and our best player was limited by lack of preseason play and reportedly, an injured ankle. It was the first "real" game of the year (and first D-I competition for our freshmen) and it showed...but there is lots of basketball left. All I read are guys ready to throw the season away already. Suck it up. There's been a lot of speculation thrown on this board and a lot of opinions about our players and our freshman...lots of guys speaking from what I would presume to be years of experience observing the game. So, where's the power of your conviction in your own opinion? Did our freshmen, and Damian, suddenly become scrubs in a 24-hour period?

Does that mean that if you opined on here that Talley and Jones were going to be freshmen that could come in and play good basketball right away from beginning to end, that you suddenly don't know what you are talking about? Or is it (more likely) what can happen on any given night in competition? Is it why we actually PLAY the game instead of just awarding winners based on perceived talent and RPI?

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