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Date Posted: Saturday, November 20, 11:47:22am
Author: Jules
Subject: Can this train wreck get any worse; five years into Ron's tenure and he is still losing to RMU! I don't think this program will ever achieve what we expected. A loss to a supposed lower level local rival and a potential NCAA violation; makes me wonder if this crew could manage a grade school program.
In reply to: SKIDDYBALL 's message, "I can't believe I fall for it EVERY YEAR! We're going to be a competitor. We're going to be Pitt. We're going to the post-season. I took the entire family to the game tonight and have never been so embarrassed. My 7 year old now thinks the Dukes are a joke and said he doesn't want to go to any more games. I gave up on the Pirates after 5 years of losing in 1997. It may be that time for the Dukes. It's just too damn much to take. RMU is a joke and they kicked our butts!" on Friday, November 19, 10:30:31pm

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  • It burns me how everyone trashes the RMU program. They have really progressed, even faster than the Dukes. Anyone that was at the game on Friday could see they really wanted it. They were warriors out there, they were verbally pushing each other ( I sat behind the RMU bench). They didn't have better talent, they had more heart. Maybe the Dukes could learn something from this game to help them with the rest of the season. IT'S NOT THE SIZE OF THE DOG IN THE FIGHT, IT'S THE SIZE OF THE FIGHT IN THE DOG! This was literally true in this game! (NT) -- P of P, Saturday, November 20, 07:18:29pm

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