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Date Posted: Sunday, November 21, 09:35:59am
Author: Ohio Duke
Subject: If you were coach...

...what changes would you make for the next game?

I left RMU Friday night with that question on my mind. I would look at these factors;
1. The Physical Factor - We got pushed around big time - even Damien! I know RE favors the 3 guard approach, but the top tier teams in the A10 play three forwards. It is time to go with three forwards. Saunders and Clark are givens. Establish Marhold, Peggau, Wright and even Theis up front. Montiero got killed on defense and his offense is strictly a slashing game. He earned his spot on the bench during crunch time at RMU. I fondly remember the physical guys, Rice, Somerset, Nelsons, Atkins! We don't have a power guy, so go with three who might rebound.
2. The Post Factor - I think the ball only went into the low post a handful of times the whole game. We favor the three, but by using the low post, the three will open up more and we might get an in close basket. By the way, the high post is where Montiero might make a difference! The kid does get to the hoop. If we are going to run the same offense, I would move Saunders to the wing and put BJ in the post.
3. The Guard Factor - When McConnell was on the bench, the offense did not score well. We miss Evans. He and TJ should be the starters. Develop Talley. Spot the others.
4. Find a substitution pattern. When we went up by double figures, let the team on floor stay until the run is over.

The RMU game was a disappointment. What changes come will tell the tale of the season.

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