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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 04:27:59am
Author: apluski
Subject: TKE/81: Premises? hummm, let me see. So Brazil has only one NBA player so that is your proof that Brazil is not a hotbed for basketball. Well, they certainly appear to hold their own during the basketball world championships playing against NBA players (inside).
In reply to: apluski 's message, "A great effort and a much needed blowout. Just one queston: How is it that we have the only Brazilian that can't play basketball?" on Monday, November 22, 09:28:43pm

So please fill me in on the specifics as to what Peggau went through to get to Duquesne? I'm sure it is adventurous and you can detail all of the cliff-hanging episodes. I wouldn't want to come away with a flawed premise about his nail-biting journey to the bluff. Please make me understand how language and distance from home (I assume, since you do have a clue what Peggau "went through") handicapped him, as he must have immediately left his home in Brazil and came directly to Duquesne without stopping. And the picnic part, that all of this has caused him to miss picnics. After all, you can't go to picnics if your're homesick and can't talk with anyone. I can see how he has so many crippling obstacles to overcome, he just doesn't have the same opportunity to shoot, dribble, rebound and shoot fouls as do most of those hot-bed division 1 over-privileged 6'8 235lb.softies. If only...if only...if only...how many times do we get to say it before he becomes accountable as a Duke.

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  • the solution is simple: More Marhold (NT) -- Seen on Miltenberger St, Tuesday, November 23, 09:20:43am

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