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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 06:05:29pm
Author: Greg
Subject: His time is running out. Thus far is a liability...when he has the ball he's out of control and you get the feeling a travel or charge is moments away. On defense he seems tough enough however he is slow to get set and almost always gets a block foul rather than draw the charge. In the Pitt game last year he showed a glimpse of some ability and that was it for all of 2009. Duquesne cannot afford any more projects....I'd give him a few more early out of conference games to get it together and if he can't he should sit at the end of the bench.
In reply to: Jules 's message, "I think you are dead wrong about Peggau; he clearly has talent to go along with his 6' 8" body; you may not have noticed that he handles the ball pretty will for a big guy; and moves well without the ball; what I see now with Peggau is that the game is still moving fast for him; sometimes even for the best players it just takes playing time to allow the game to "slow down" for them and then you will see a more effective player. He has had very little game experience due to injury; so I think you need to give it time; until he is more comfortable in games." on Tuesday, November 23, 11:44:06am

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