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Subject: 4 spots left for Nationals - 2 spots for mini

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Date Posted: 20:24:30 02/29/08 Fri

: : DDA LEAP DAY SPECIALS : :These deals are good for the next
10 people who pay in full!

Mini National Deal
Registration + Supreme Package (Includes Beauty +1 Photo Event + 1 Optional Event) + 1 extra photo event + 1 extra optional event + all overall titles. Value is $475
For the first 10 people to pay this package in full get it for $225.00 - THAT IS LESS THAN 1/2 Price!

With this deal you are eligible for the following titles: 1 Ultimate Grand Supreme ~ $1000 BOND
9 Grand Supremes ~ $400 BOND Each 3 Ult. Beauty Supremes ~ $300 BOND Each
3 Mini Supremes ~ $200 BOND Each 4 Overall Titles ~ $50 BOND Each
12 Div Supremes 12 Div Beauties 12 Div Novices * if eligible 12 Div * if optional event was talent

National Deal

Registration + Supreme Package (Includes Beauty +1 Photo Event + 1 Optional Event) + 1 extra photo event + 1 Photo Event + 1 Optional Event) + 1 extra photo event +
1 extra optional event + all overall titles. Value is $1090
For the first 10 people to pay this package in full get it for $500.00 - THAT IS LESS THAN 1/2 Price!

With this deal you are eligible for the following titles: 1 Ultimate Grand Supreme ~ $10,000 BOND
9 Grand Supremes ~ $4,000 BOND Each 3 Ultimate Beauty Supremes ~ $2,000 BOND Each
3 Mini Supremes ~ $1,500 BOND Each 14 Overall Titles ~ $150 BOND Each
12 Div Supremes ~ $100 BOND Each 12 Div Beauties ~ $50 BOND Each
12 Divisional Novices ~ $50 BOND Each * if eligible 12 Divisional Talents ~ $50 BOND Each * if optional event was talent
To get these deals you must pay the package price in full
Only the first 10 people for each deal, who paypal will get this price
These deals include the earlybird discount Our paypal is darlingdollsofamerica@yahoo.com
please put which deal you are taking in the paypal and which location (for mini nationals)

:: MinI Nationals Locations and Dates :: California ~ 3/8/2008 Texas ~ 3/29/2008
TN/KY ~ 4/5/2008 Mississippi ~ 4/12/2008 Louisiana ~ 4/13/2008 KS/MO ~ 4/19/2008

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