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Subject: write those letters

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Date Posted: 18:58:09 03/02/08 Sun

~*~ To Sir With Love... ~*~
** Make a Soldier Smile! **

Soldiers love to hear from home! We are asking that
you please write a letter or draw a picture for a
soldier. Then bring your letter to any DDA Mini
Nationals and/or DDA Nationals and drop your letter in
the Letters From Home Mailbox! You can write as many
as you like! The soldiers ask that you please do not
put any glitter on the cards or pictures because it
can get too messy. You do not need to put your letter
in an envelope because all letters must be checked for
content by the Letters from home Headquarters. After
we have collected all the
letters and pictures we will be mailing them off to
the Letters From Home Campaign Office in PA, and they
will forward the letters on to the soldiers! Lets
show the soldiers how much we love them! God Bless
DDA California Mini Nationals March 8, 2008 Irvine, CA
DDA Texas Mini Nationals March 29, 2008 Dallas, TX
DDA TN/KY Mini Nationals April 5, 2008 Louisville, KY
DDA Mississippi Mini Nationals April 12, 2008 Jackson, MS
DDA Louisiana Mini Nationals April 13, 2008 Layfayette, LA
DDA KS/MO Mini Nationals April 19, 2008 Wichita, KS
DDA Nationals July 13 - 15, 2008 Dallas, TX
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