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Subject: Re: Prayer Request

Rodger De Ramus
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Date Posted: 23:18:28 08/13/07 Mon
In reply to: LI LOK 's message, "Prayer Request" on 06:54:21 06/23/07 Sat

I would like to help you pray for God's will. I believe that if you do read your Bible, you will see that if you have prayed and ask God to forgive you of all your sins, then you are indeed Saved. For you see, the Bible says that we are saved by Grace through faith. It is a free gift to you, it does not cost you one cent, all you do is pray and accept the gift of eternal life, you will live forever. It may not be in this life, but you will have eternal life in heaven.
I pray that God will heal your mind and body, make you whole again, you and your Mother and family members.

Please do not cut your skin to keep you praying a long time. God does not require us to hurt ourselves in order to pray a long time. Every day, when you get out of bed, pray and thank God for one more day of life here on earth so you can go out and minister to the lost and dying people that do not have Christ in their heart, they are sinners and will go to hell if they do not confess their sins before God. The Bible says that God is no respecter of persons. That means that what He will do for me, He will also do for you, OK. I have prayed and ask God to save me and forgive my sins I committed before I knew Him and He did. I know because the Bible says so. I am free from the grip of sin, I am not bound by sin anymore. IF I do sin, I can pray and ask God to forgive me and He does, the Bible says He does. He says that he will forget your sins as far as the East is from the West. The old saints of God used to say that He would throw yours sins into the sea of forgetfulness, never to remember them again. So, all of the sins you committed before you asked Christ into your life, they are gone, you don't have to keep asking for forgiveness from them. They are gone. No matter what you did, no matter if you lied, stole or even killed someone. If you asked Christ into your life and ask God for forgivness of your sins, you have eternal life through Christ Jesus. You see, Christ Jesus was crucified on a cross so that we were not held accountable for our sins. We were all held accountable for the sins we committed before we were saved, but when you were saved, the Blood of Christ washed them away.

I am very proud that you are trying to live a Godly life in China, a place where openly worshipping God will cost you dearly. They will kill you if you are caught and I have the utmost respect for someone who is willing to put thier life on the line for God. Here in America, we have it too easy. We are free to go to church or stay at home. Many do, but many more go to church and hear someone prach about the Life of Christ. We have it too good. We do not have to worry about anyone coming to our house and taking us to jail just because we want to go to church and worship a living God in a Christian Country. In your country, they do not believe in Christ, those who are the leaders, they are atheist, they do not believe thee is any such thing as a God. You know better though and you take the risk of dying just to be able to pray and worship Him. You are special to me and I pray that you can continue to serve the only living God. One day, you will be called home to heaven, you and your Mother and you will not have to worry anymore on where you will live or what you will eat or what you will wear. It will all be given to you. You will live in a mansion in heaven. The Bible says that Christ went to prepare a place for us to live.

One day very soon, Christ will come back to earth and take everyone who is His, those who have been forgiven of their sins and have lived a Christ-like life, the Bible says he comes for those without spot or blemish and He will give us new clothes to wear and He will even give us a new name, how about that. A new name, new clothes, and a new place to live. All of the times point to the time He will come back, wars and famine and the changes in the weather, all tells us it is very soon. I have heard of it all my life, living in a Christian Country, I have known ABOUT Jesus all my life. I just didn't ask Him to forgive me of my sins when I was young. It took me a long time to accept Him. NOw I am saved and forgiven. One day, I too will live in Heaven. Maybe you and I will meet each other there and we will shake hands and tell each other that we loved the emails we each got from each other. You will introduce your Mother to me and I will introduce my Mother to you. WE will be able to understand each other, we will speak in a heavenly language where everyone will know what everyone else is saying. I won't need an interpretter and neither will you.

Thanks for being such a good Christian, it makes me want to be a better Christian. I sometimes forget how easy it is for me to be a Christian, for you it means life or death if you are caught. Thank you for your faith. Thanks for your Mother also, she teaches you how to live and she also Worships God in a country where if she is caught she could be put to death. What a committment, how great it is to read your email.

With Love In Christ Jesus
Rodger DeRamus

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