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Subject: Stop my divorce and restoration of my marriage

Jennifer L Chavez
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Date Posted: 19:11:38 09/17/07 Mon

I am here to ask for prayer for my family that is in crisis right now. My husband of 8 years, (been together 10), walked out on me and our 3 kids 3 1/2 months ago. I didn't really know what happened or why, until I found out by accident that he was having an affair with an older woman he works with. I was devastated! I talked to him about it and he claims she is just a friend. I have proof otherwise. As much as that hurt me, I still love my husband very much and wanted to work things out. I came home from work on Tuesday and got a knock at my door. Much to my shock, it was a Sheriff's officer to serve me with divorce papers. I never felt so much like my whole world was coming down around me as I did that day. It was like my heart had been ripped from my chest. My kids were in the room when it happened. My husband says I should have known how things would turn out. I just can't believe it though. We have always been better then that. We were in love up until shortly before he left. We had something wonderful and special. I can't give up on that and just let this happen by doing nothing about it. I can't let some other woman have my husband. He vowed to me to love me till death do us part. We're not dead so I can't give up on those vows. Please pray that God will work a miracle in our marriage and spare us from divorce and heartache. Please pray that God will restore our marriage and bring us reconciliation. Please pray for God's mercy on us and our children. Please pray God will work on my husband's heart and mind before he makes the biggest mistake of his life! Please pray for a miracle for God to turn this around and stop this divorce. Please ask God to stop the divorce! Thank you all and God bless you! My name is Jennifer and my husband's name is Pete.

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Re: Stop my divorce and restoration of my marriageGordon11:40:32 05/17/09 Sun

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