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Subject: Need Strength

Marcia Cuellar
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Date Posted: 20:20:12 01/30/08 Wed

Fellow ministers in Christ. I desperately need your prayers. After 10 years committed to full-time ministry I have resigned my position with the Church I was serving for the sake of my family. I have a strong calling to teach and have began to seek my education in this area. However, since leaving full-time ministry I have not felt connected to my Church. I have found myself to be double minded and swayed by the enemy. I need strength in my faith, connection with true Christians willing to hold me accountable and edify my life without judgement in my choice of a (new ministry). Teaching as I have come to understand allows me to reach children who otherwise may never darken the church doors. I want to make a difference that changes lives. Most importantly I want my two small children to remember a warm loving Mother who lead them to Christ. Not a Ministry Mom who had little time for her own. Please pray.

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