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Subject: Re: for marriage and ministry

Lady50 (Let Love Be Your Highest Goal....Ministry)
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Date Posted: 17:35:03 04/15/08 Tue
In reply to: onovughakpor john toobijohwo 's message, "for marriage and ministry" on 02:11:18 04/08/08 Tue

Be Blessed because YOU ARE! God's Will is all over in His New and Better Covenant, the New Testament of our Lord and Savior, what better place to run to and find out that indeed it is His Will that you have a 'walking after the Spirit of God' partner in Marriage...His Will is to 'bless you, NOT to harm you (Jeremiah 29:11)....to 'deliver you from ALL 'evil' (sin, sickness, disease, poverty, affliction, infirmities, satan, demons, even the spirit of death and EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING CONTRARY AND CONTRADICTORY TO HIS WILL, WHICH IS HIS 'LIVING AND ACTIVE' WORD!)Galations 1:4 and Hebrews 4:12
So dear Saint of God, begin PRAISING HIS HOLY NAME AND THANKING HIM, 'BELIEVING' HE HAS SENT YOUR WAY THAT 'PERFECT WALKING AFTER THE SPIRIT OF GOD' MARRIAGE PARTNER (if you are male then that 'partner' is FEMALE, if you are female then that 'partner' is Male)NOW, and 'if when you have 'prayed', BELIEVING it is done, (why do we beleive? BECAUSE GOD SAYS SO!)THEN IT IS, the next step is to 'rest' (after all God set the example in Genesis 1!) on His Holy Promises and and 'wait patiently' all the while (just as Paul did in the jail, and what happened? 'the captives 'chains' were 'loosed' and they were 'set free'!)continuing to give praise and glory (i.e., 'credit')to God, our 'Daddy' who loves us more than we love ourselves!
We DO NOT need to 'beg/plead' for God to 'do it' for us, He says 'He already has', "It is finished", Jesus mean't EVERYTHING WAS DONE IN HIM ON THE CROSS FOR US, NOW WE ARE ADJOURNED TO 'BELIEVE ON THIS' AND 'ACCEPT' ON THIS' AND 'TRUST ON THIS'(FAITH!) AND 'SEE' IT ALREADY DONE.
So, dear Saint of God, yea and amen, it is done.

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