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Subject: Prayer Request

Karen Burke (Grateful for Blessings flow in like a BIG River!)
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Date Posted: 09:19:36 09/10/11 Sat

Hello and blessings to all and their families. I seem to be under attack, and yet... press on!! (Rejoice, jumping and happy dance)... Jesus is Lord and will reign forever and ever! I seem to have jumped into the middle of God's blessing, and have started a meeting hall and drop in center having received a 501c3 after filling out the application with only the brain God gave me... uh, no lawyer. Anyway, some might be jealous or under the enemy's control and have started a mess with the county zoning department. So I need grace and favor. We know people in the county and we need to get rezoned or need help to get a different property. We have 12 step meetings for 5 different programs and the most important one is Recovery in Christ. Bless you and thank you in advance for any prayers. Love Karen.

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