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Subject: Direction Of the Ministry

Rev. Charles Swalef
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Date Posted: 13:29:46 10/27/14 Mon

It's always sad to have a Brother or Sister in the Lord leave us to be with the Lord but we must remember we are only sojourners here. My heartfelt sympathies for those most close to him. But I agree we must continue on with the work he was called to do. I have been with UCMI since 2001 and have been working as the Lord has directed. If anyone can make contact with the secretarial staff and see what it would require to continue with the ministry I'm certainly in. On another note for the Sister requesting prayer allow me to encourage you that Jesus has paid the price for all sickness, all pain and discouragement... He, Jesus paid the final price. You must believe that ..."no weapon formed against will prosper" it does not say that the weapon will not be formed but that it WILL NOT PROSPER!. So In the Name of Jesus every knee must bow, of those things in Heaven, and of those things in the Earth and of those things under the earth. Isa53 writes that by His (Jesus) we will be healed, and Peter writing in his letter writes that by his stripes we are healed! Your part is to rest on the divine work of the Father through Jesus his Son when he was crucified on the cross and receive your healing In The Name of Jesus. For you are the righteousness of God In Christ. A moment for me to pray on your behalf in the Name of Jesus...Amen

Your brother
Rev Charles Swalef

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Re: Direction Of the MinistryAnn19:58:37 01/08/15 Thu

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