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Subject: *love*

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Date Posted: 13:15:09 03/11/02 Mon
In reply to: Clash 's message, "*love*" on 12:23:12 03/11/02 Mon

Nuzzles him gently. I know they love me Clash... I will wait as long as needed for things to smooth out. I love them and you with all my heart. That won't ever change. Do you think there is anything I can do to help them? I understand Spirit, I feel now that I have known her forever, but Power i have hardly seen him... I also hope it dosen't happen with Dance but you know it isn't your fault. It is no ones. She smiles at him. It is something all foals do. I did it once. And of course they feel they have to prove themselves, that is only natural. But if they realize they can make a mark in these lands by just being themselves then I think everything will be okay. She nudges him. I just wish I had been here to help them grow up... I know Dancer has been such a mother to them both and I am thankful for it. You have done the best job possible in raising them. Better than I ever could've. If Spririt is unable to decide the that may just take time and Power... I dont know... As I have said I have missed so much. I don't know if I could help him but I will and can try.

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Subject Author Date
*Smile8Clash16:34:10 03/11/02 Mon
  • *smile* -- Dreams, 17:32:42 03/11/02 Mon
    • *hope* -- Clash, 19:47:13 03/11/02 Mon

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