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Date Posted: 19:25:43 06/13/04 Sun
Author: lynece
Subject: Update on me- repost from last board

I am back on track for the final 3 weeks of the school year starting Monday. I do NOT want to go back as I really enjoyed my 3 weeks off, and with standardized testing done, it will be mainly babysitting for the rest of the year. And while I'm finishing up this year I'm trying to get ready for next as I'm moving to 4th grade. This principal requires a lot of busywork and I'm dreading it all. I only get a 2 week break between school years, one of the downsides of year round schools, so not a lot of prep time. I did pass my online class and am glad that is over. I should have more than enough relicensure points as well so that is nice.

We took a weekend trip to Moab (southern Ut) and went jeeping with my family. All but one brother and his wife were able to come and that made it really fun. My youngest brother leaves on his mission on the 30th and the next youngest (24) just got engaged and will be getting married in early Dec.

We have been working hard on the house this past week and have almost completed the 2 girls rooms complete with paint, lighting fixtures and hardwood floors. We've had the wood for almost a year now, but its sat in the garage after we did Cameron's room last Dec. I want to get my garage cleaned though so we had to do the rooms first. Tues will be our 2nd anniversary of moving here and I still can't park either of the 2 cars in the garage. SHEESH!

Sheila (ssdawn) who used to post here and still does at TPP now lives less than 10 minutes away from me and I got to see her new house they just built. We also joined Weight Watchers today! I've got over 100lbs to lose so am quite depressed about that (not that I didn't know that.... but seeing it in writing still sucks kwim?_ Jon is going to do the program with me, but we couldn't afford both of us going to meetings.

Jon and I have also booked our 10th anniversary trip to Las Vegas the middle of August. We went there on our honeymoon and haven't been back since Calista was 5 months old so it will be nice to go. We got a super deal through Southwest Airlines Vacations and are getting air for both of us, 3 nights at the Stratosphere and our rental car for $450!

Our bankruptcy was discharged the end of April and for the first time in a looooonggg time we have more money coming in than going out. Not a lot left over, but it's so nice being in the black. It's hard living without credit cards when you've used them for so long, but we're getting used to it and our spending habits are much improved.

Emotionally, I'm surviving. I am soooo baby hungry and am having a very, very, very hard time accepting the fact that I will never have another baby. It doesn't help that we have new apartments in our ward and our older ward is now filled with preggos and infants. I really could use some counseling, but don't know where I'd find the time or the money to go. DH is my rock and salvation, but I know it is hard on him to always be so strong for me. I'm doing Ok without meds, but sometimes wonder if I woudln't feel better back on them. DH still says I am happier off them and although I haven't lost any weight in the year I've been off, I haven't gained anymore.

Well, that's enough for one night. I need to get to bed so I can get us all off to church at 9am. JOn is on night shifts this weekend so I'm single parenting it. yuck. I don't have a calling right now and am emjoying it, although I really miss my friends in the primary pres.

I hope all of you are doing ok. Lauren sweetie, how are you doing? joanne, how are you doing without Glenn? I can't imagine JOn being gone that long ever. I'd be in straight jacket long before then. Jennifer, how are things with you?
Mary and Marie and Heather, please check in if you see this.

Take care ladies,
Love, Lynece

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