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Date Posted: 07:45:28 08/08/04 Sun
Author: Jo
Subject: Well, I think we are far too quiet around here....m

Let's share any news we have!


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[> You should go first Jo, but here's a little update from me -- lynece, 21:37:08 08/08/04 Sun

School is going OK and believe it or not I only have 4 days left before I go off track again! I wish I could say I wasn't looking forward to it, but after only a 2 week summer I'm thrilled to be getting another break! The kids and I are on the same track this year and we'll all be off from Friday until Sep 7 the day after our Labor Day. Calista starts preschool again that day as well and she can hardly wait. It's been very difficult explaining that although the rest of us have gone back to school, "teacher terri" hasn't started yet!

My class is very challenging and I really miss my last years one! I've got 24 students which is a little lower than our projected #s of 27, but by the end of last year, I only had 18 in my class so 6 extra kids is a lot more work! Although 4th graders CAN do a lot more than 2nd, doesn't mean they WILL do it though! They can sure tune you out if they want to. My whole class is low as well and that will make this year difficult.

My kids seem to like their teachers, but I've had a few problems with Hannah's already and was furious when I managed to get my parent teacher conferences done early so that I could go to their BAck to school night, only to find out that her teacher left early! I hold teacher's to a higher standard than most for obvious reasons. I also found out that at my kids school they don't get a morning recess! I'm flabbergasted and upset. We get a 13 min morning (11:15) recess, a 40 min lunch and a 13 minute (2:50) one at my school and I see no good out of keeping kids and teachers boxed up like that for so long. My son's first grade teacher says they are taking them out around 11am even though they are not supposed to. Those poor kids, they're still getting used to being in school 7 hours instead of 3! I had really thought about trying to transfer districts and even had hoped to get on at their school, next year, but that detail alone has made me think hard about moving!

Last week was long. I had SEP's (parent teacher conferences) wed and thurs night and was at the school 12 hours both days. I came home utterly exhausted and in tears every night. Thank heavens Jon had last week off and I didn't have to worry about the stress of daycare on top of everything else! He's back on nights now and I miss him. However, he only works tonight and tomorrow and then will be off for a week and we go to Las Vegas on Saturday!!!! I'm so excited!!! We booked this trip 3 months ago and I can't wait to spend 4 days and 3 nights alone with my husband! I also can't believe that Friday will be our 10th wedding anniversary! How could so many years have gone so fast?!

I'm still losing weight and can finally tell. I've been wearing size 2x pants and 3x tops for about the last 2 years. This week I was able to fit into a 18/20 outfit and last night at walmart I got some pants on clearance that are a 16/18 and they fit! They are a little snug, but not uncomfortable and since they were only $5 I couldn't resist! Jon has lost almost 25lbs in 8 weeks and I've lost a little over 17. I've felt sick all day though and stressed and got into way too much junk food today so I'll have to get back at it tomorrow.

Last Tues was the 8th year anniversary of my miscarriage at 18 weeks of my little girl angel and I forgot it! I'm stunned and feel so guilty. I checked other loss boards the next day and when it dawned on me that I had forgotten her I broke down sobbing. How could I have forgotten her? What a terrible mother I am.

Well, I'm exhausted and need to get in bed soon. I'm sorry it's been so slow around here. I try to check in daily, but have not had a moment to post.

Have a good week all, and lets hear from some of you ladies that we're missing please!

Love, Lynece

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