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Date Posted: 06:26:12 08/16/04 Mon
Author: Jo
Subject: If you guys don't read this post, you'll miss a big funny....m

Sam has been taking the water part of the sacrament for about two months now...he wants to be included (he is only 3.5 and has Down syndrome, so you know the issues), so we've let him do that much.

Well, yesterday he caused a big funny...of course, older brother Jake and Dad were on the stand as they were both speaking, so it was all of the girls and I trying to deal with Sam for sacrament!

As the bread was being prepared, Sam is busily signing water...and I am signing no, bread first, water second...that took about 4 times for him to agree to that. Then the bread comes and we all take a piece...it is homemade bread, very dark brown and tastes wonderfully of molasses...and Sam thinks it is chicken. And boy, does Sam love chicken...and boy, did Sam make sure everyone knew how mad he was that he didn't get a piece of chicken!

Next comes the water, which should really make him happy. He takes his and proceeds to smile so big that he cannot keep the water in his mouth...yes, my skirt is one of those wash and dry ones that nevers shows a wrinkle (thank goodness). But that didn't stop Sam - so what that he is very wet, I am wet and oh no, that tray is moving again! Up goes his hand and yup, he manages to grab another one before the young man gets it under control!

The people in front narrowly missed a shower of water - I managed to grab the falling water, the cup and Sam's hand, all in one swoop! I looked sternly at Sam and signed/said NO...our Emma asked why I spoke to him like that and then I showed her our wet hands/arms and the second cup.

Let's just say it was good for a few giggles! And it beats Sam putting his hand up when asked if anyone is opposed to a call from the stand...that is so common they always ignore him now!


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[> That brought back memories -- Breneman, 13:23:03 08/23/04 Mon

I have a mentally handicapped brother and it sounds like a normal sacrament meeting to me :) I did giggle imagining the scene in my head. I can't remember my brother spilling the sacrament on anyone but I can remember the trays hitting the floor a few times. My brother was so loud when he was little that my mother finally made us sit in the front row so no one would have to turn around to see what was going on. I was mortified at the time but can now see it was a good solution to the problem.

Thanks for the smile,

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[> [> That makes me smile, too.....m -- Jo, 05:14:17 08/24/04 Tue

One thing I can say for sure is that life is not boring with Sam - and he has done so many other things in a Sacrament Meeting and I try to keep understanding, but some day it will be nice to have him sit quietly beside us...and not want a piece of 'chicken'!

And I thank you for your memories...it is so nice to share!


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