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Date Posted: 10:55:15 08/27/04 Fri
Author: Breneman
Subject: Oh I feel like such a bad mommy

My seven year old came to me last night and said that she was having a problem at school. I of course freaked, in my mind, not know what was going on and found a quiet place for the two of us to talk.

It seems that on Wed she didn't get to eat lunch at school. She get resource, pull out from class services, and she is now eating lunch with a different class. When she went to the cafeteria the class that she was supposed to eat with was already leaving and she just left with them and didn't tell anyone that she did not eat. I felt so bad for her. She seems more and more like me everyday sometimes and I really what to change some of it. I don't know that I would have been able to handle the emotions involved in telling someone about something that was really bothering me that much so I would have rather gone hungry than to make a "scene" over myself. I'm sure she feels the same way. I want to her to know and understand that she is important and a vital part of our family and her class but then I can remember things that I have done at home that have not reinforced that idea and I just feel miserable. So now I am trying to make some plans to just spend time with her and enjoy her for being her. Ug! I feel like I'm letting my beautiful daughter down.

Thanks for the space to vent,

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