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Date Posted: 11:47:11 04/26/03 Sat
Author: arglass
Subject: More new on Alex (more)

Quick Update: Friday, April 25, 2003 (Day 24 Post-Transplant)

Hi Everyone,

It's been 48 hours since Alex started experiencing Cyclosporine Toxicity and
though she has shown some signs of improvement, it appears that it will take
longer than we thought for her to bounce back completely. The Cyclosporine
Toxicity resulted in numerous small seizures and an almost complete loss of
speech. The good news is that her speech is getting better, but so far she has
yet to complete a sentence and in fact hasn't strung together more than 4 or 5
words at a time.

To prevent any further seizures Alex has been put on two anti-seizure drugs and
valium, which has left her (in Andrea's words) "loopy out of her gourd". She has
also been switched from Cyclosporine to FK506, which will hopefully help speed
up her recovery from the toxicity. Still it's likely that she won't be released
from the hospital until at least early next week.

While Andrea stayed with Alex today, I took Nick to his Pediatrician's
appointment. Nick continues to do amazingly well and he is now 50th percentile
in both height (21.5") and weight (10 pounds, 4 ounces) for his gestational age.
A lot of that probably has to do with the fact that he's eating non-stop! We
just hope he decides to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time tonight. We
haven't had more than a few hours sleep a night for the last four days and it's
starting to take its toll. I'm starting to feel like I'm losing the ability to
speak more than 4-5 words at a time!

Finally we want to thank Dora for all of her help this week. Dora has been
taking care of Nick on and off over the last few days, while we've been dealing
with all of this. I don't know where we would be without her right now.

I'll post more as Alex's condition changes over the next couple of days. Take

-- Todd
Todd L. Martini
Alex's Coupons
"Save Money & Help Fight Childhood Cancer"
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
ICQ #4655548

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