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Date Posted: 08:31:30 05/07/03 Wed
Author: marshun
Subject: I am SOOOOOO confused...I know you have all heard this before, but.......m

I am still on a yo-yo act of knowing what to do and not knowing what to do. It is very frustraiting. I know that if Terry doesn't feel there is a problem, there is no room for recovery. I know that his mood swings are a result of his using and the depression that causes the use. I know that I do not want the children exposed to an environment where people(me included) hold in their emotions instead of expressing them. (I am getting better at tihs). I Know that I want them to feel a father/husband should do more on their days off than lay in the bedroom.
I also know that I can look into Terry's eyes and see a very tender man. I know that he adores his children and he does love me. I believe that part of his relationship flaws were taught to him by his father. I believe that he CAN change....I also KNOW that I can't force him to change. I believe he is going to resent me for not allowing him to do what he deams okay.......or he will just use behind my back(which he has been doing since I found the stuff a couple weeks ago). I checked yesterday and his stash is now gone...which in turn means a week or two of withdrawl where his moods REALLY swing.
I believe the kids and I can make it on our own. I believe I need to decide what to do before this move...I also believe that I am not very welcome in Alabama. I feel his sister and her husband are somehow attributing his not getting better to me. As thought it is something I have or haven't done.
I JUST want to do what is right. The problem is I can not convince myself that either of my options are right. I am going to go to a Nar-anon meeting today at lunch time. I think I need to talk with them and maybe even get info on other meetings. I can bring the kids to this one, but if I go to one at night, I would rather not take them...the language is sometimes a little harsh. I wish there was a magical potion that would allow me to know what is absolutely the right thing to do. I know that there is no such thing. *SIGH* Just call me confused.........

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