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Date Posted: 09:18:28 12/10/12 Mon
Author: Christopher Meade (Truthful)
Subject: The Illuminati in history. Not Wikipedia, Facebook or Twitter

Much has been written over the years about the shadowy organisation called The Illuminati, who are supposed to control world events, and manipulate them to their own wicked advantage. There are those who will even go so far as to say that some of the leaders of the world are shapeshifting reptiles from another planet. Of course the reptilian conspiracy is not true. In a previous series of articles I, in my capacity of President of The Ancient Society of Secret Historians, have comprehensively debunked that particular fantasy. I have shown that The Illuminati are in fact shape shifting pigs, and that the organisation was founded by The Three Little Pigs in the weeks following the death of The Big Bad wolf.

The real story of how The Illuminati dominate our history, and our present, can be found in these hubs.






But in addition to the riveting accounts related in those articles there have been many more incidences of their interference in history and it was usually for the bad of humanity. In this essay I am going to just detail one example from history of the disastrous consequences that ensued for the world from the actions of one shape shifting member of the porcine fraternity.

There can be very few people who have not heard of Adolf Hitler. This man, who was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 until 1945, plunged the world into the horror of the Second World War, and his name will live in infamy as the architect of that abomination "The Holocaust". He has been the subject of many conspiracy theories himself. There are many people who believe that he survived the fall of Berlin, and went on to live in retirement in South America. One of the mysteries that has occupied the thoughts of historians ever since is what became of his body after death. And it is that subject that I am about to address in this short article.
Many theories have been put forward as to why Hitler developed such a diabolical hatred for the Jewish race. So great was his detestation that he devoted almost all his efforts, after he came to power, to trying to completely remove the children of Israel from the face of the planet. Some have said that he resented a Jewish professor at the Viennese Academy of Art for rejecting his application for a course. Others have said that he was trying to distract attention away from the fact that he had some Jewish forbears. The true reason for his pathological loathing of that unfortunate race can be revealed here for the first time. The reality is that Adolf Hitler was a shape shifting pig, and a member of The Illuminati. He hated the Jews because he resented the fact that they would not eat pork, and paradoxically he hated all other Illuminati members as well.

Early in his career the man who went on to terrorise the planet tried to organise a coup in Munich called "The Beer Hall Putsch". It was his intention to take over the government of Bavaria. This was organised in cooperation with General Ludendorff, who was a prominent member of The Illuminati. Things did not go too well however, and the rebellion failed miserably. Hitler and the general were arrested. Hitler was sentenced to a period of imprisonment in The Landsberg Fortress. The general got off with a suspended sentence. Hitler hated the general from then on because he gave him no more support.

Prior to this the political platform of Adolf Hitler was very largely anti-Semitic. But the bitterness over his imprisonment really brought it to a new level of hysteria. You see his mind confused his hatred of his fellow Illuminati, represented by General Ludendorff, with his hatred of the Jews; and when he considered that Jewish people would not eat pork, and were consequently sparing the very fraternity that he hated so much, his rage against them became all consuming. It is from such a mundane source that the horror which was later to engulf European Jewry grew. The results are in all our history books.

But it is the mystery of Hitler's death, and the final disposition of his body that I want to come on to now. History tells us that Berlin fell to the approaching Russian armies in late April 1945. We are further told that the German dictator killed himself some days before. An attempt was made to burn his body to prevent it falling into the hands of the enemy. The burning was not a complete success. No trace of the remains of Adolf Hitler, however have ever been produced. This is one of the things that have given rise to the notion that he might have escaped. He didn’t. The truth is even more unbelievable.
If you want to find out the real truth about the bizarre death of Adolf Hitler and the extraordinary end that his body came to, read my new book

The Zombie, the cat and Barack Obama. (Now available online).

Prepare to be shocked, amazed and amused for less than the price of ten cigarettes.

United States customers.


United Kingdom. (Amazon UK).


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