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Subject: India condemns Iraq war, demands US troops' withdrawal

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Date Posted: 20:48:38 04/09/03 Wed

India condemns Iraq war, demands US troops' withdrawal
9 April 2003

NEW DELHI: The Indian parliament on Tuesday condemned the US-led war on Iraq and demanded an immediate withdrawal of American and British forces from the war-wracked country.

"Expressing national sentiment, this house condemns the war in Iraq by the US-led coalition. This is not acceptable," said a statement read out in parliament by speaker Manohar Joshi.

"The innocent people of Iraq, especially the pain of women and children, is a serious humanitarian issue and this house expresses serious anguish and deep sympathy (for them).

"This house also demands the war in Iraq end immediately and the coalition forces should withdraw," the statement said, adding the war was being waged beyond the charters of the UN.

It also insisted on the reconstruction of Iraq under the close supervision of the United Nations, and said India would send one billion rupees (20.4 million dollars) in cash and food to the Iraqi people through the UN.

The unanimous condemnation of the Iraq war came after two days of squabbling between the government and opposition parties on its wording, jamming work in parliament since it reopened on Monday after a month's vacation.

The government had offered a statement "deploring" the war, but the opposition insisted the wording was not strong enough. Media reports had previously speculated that New Delhi's's low-key response to the war in Iraq -- calling it "unjustified and unavoidable" -- was aimed at preserving friendly ties with the US. "This resolution will send a message ... for peace and humanity," Foreign Minister Yashwant Sinha told parliament. He said India would not distance itself from either the US or the Arab world. "India always has the friendliest relations with the Arab world and Iraq and we want that to continue. India also has good relations with the United States and despite our differences we would maintain that, as both are democracies," the foreign minister told parliament. "We hope the people of Iraq control their own destiny and it will be our effort to work in that direction," Sinha said. The foreign minister dismissed warnings from MPs that India could face a fate similar to Iraq. "India cannot be treated so lightly. India cannot be subdued and anyone who thinks India can be subdued is living in a dream world," he said.

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