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Subject: International Coalition Formed To Put “Invaders” On Trial

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Date Posted: 21:24:45 04/09/03 Wed

International Coalition Formed To Put “Invaders” On Trial

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, April 8 ( & News Agencies) - The Arab Committee for Human Rights flatly condemned Tuesday, April 8, the U.S. targeting of the offices of Al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi TV channels in Baghdad, which claimed the life of Al-Jazeera correspondent Tareq Ayyoub.

The committee also announced the setting-up of an international coalition to put U.S. and U.K. war criminals on trial.

“It (the coalition) will assume the responsibility of filing lawsuits before international criminal tribunals to punish the forces of aggression for their (war) crimes),” the committee said in a statement, a copy of which obtained by Al-Quds Press news agency.

The statement, entitled “A War Without Eyewitnesses…Crimes Without Punishment,” further called on “all democratic powers worldwide and world peace camp to act in concert to bring to immediate cessation such a barbaric aggression on the Iraqi people.”

“Amidst the apocalyptic scene of destruction and havoc in Iraq, the killing of the hundreds of children, women and elders, the U.S. warplanes bombard this morning the offices of Al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi channels.

“The attack left the offices in rubbles, wounded journalists and killed Al-Jazeera correspondent Tareq Ayyoub,” the statement read.

The U.S. A-10 strike warplane “fired two missiles on them (Al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi offices), leaving no room for doubts that the Arab media as a whole is the first and foremost target just as it happened during the U.S. war on Afghanistan, when the U.S. aircraft destroyed Al-Jazeera office in Kabul,” it added.

The committee offered its heartfelt condolences for and voiced its solidarity with the family of martyr Ayyoub and for the Al-Jazeera staff members in such hard times.

“They bravely covered the painful events with objectivity and seriousness and set themselves as a paradigm for professionalism at the time British and the U.S. media plunged into illusions, misleading information, deliberate lies and exaggerations,” the statement charged.

False Values Unmasked

“Although the U.S. administration boasts enhancing democracy and human rights, the scenes in (the Cuba-based) Guantanamo or Baghdad are a telling example of the U.S. practices and its real understanding of the concepts it brags about such as the clichés of fair trial or freedom of expression” the statement charged.

The committee said that after such striking examples “we can fairly expect the rottenness of individual and collective freedoms and free elections.”

“Such clichés, in effect, would only serve as a fig to paper over the comeback of colonialism,” it stressed.

The committee urged all human rights watchdogs, particularly those defending freedom of journalism, to voice a wake-up cry to condemn and hunt down all war criminals and put an end to the law of the jungle doctrine.

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