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Subject: Saddam is gone from Baghdad

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Date Posted: 23:06:32 04/09/03 Wed

Saddam is gone from Baghdad
Posted on Wednesday, April 09

This is what a private Zionist intelligence agency named DEBKA Files has to say about the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein. Some of their past assessments have been surprisingly close to the truth.

Contrary to the convictions voiced Tuesday by US military spokesmen, DEBKAfile’s sources believe that the Iraqi ruler, Saddam Hussein, and his sons are no longer in Baghdad or even hiding in any of his four underground command cities. Suspicions that he was there prompted the American raid of “leadership targets” in the Mansour district of Baghdad on Monday, April 7. According to our military and intelligence sources, from the middle of last week, Saddam managed the war from outside the capital – possibly from Tikrit, the town north of Baghdad which is his clan’s home ground, or a hideout in Syria. Indications that he has been smuggled into Syria are mounting. But then, on Saturday, April 5, hours after the first American tanks rolled into Baghdad, Saddam and his sons went underground, cutting themselves off from most of the Iraqi leadership and observing total electronic hush.

There was therefore no chance of the American bomb finding him in a restaurant in Baghdad on Monday, or of a tip-off on his whereabouts from any of his associates.

Neither is there any real proof that his cousin, General Ali Hassan Majid, “Chemical Ali” was killed in Basra, notwithstanding the assertions of local British commanders.

Chemical war threat intensifies with battle of the tunnels

Similarly, coalition forces have turned up no unambiguous stores of weapons of mass destruction. One suspected site after another has proved innocent of banned biological or chemical substances in any real quantity. At the same time, the US war command is convinced that the danger of a chemical attack has become acute enough to issue grave warnings to allied troops and Iraq’s neighbors. US radio broadcasts beamed into Iraq have in the last 24 hours issued grave warnings that anyone wielding banned chemical substances will face prosecution as a war criminal. The warning applies equally to those with knowledge of the threat who fail to forewarn coalition authorities.

Beneath the heavily exposed surface battles, a fierce secret war is raging in the subterranean tunnels linking Saddam’s four of five command and control fortress-bunkers spread out under the Baghdad region. DEBKAfile’s sources reveal that US Special forces are locked in hand to hand combat with Special Republican Guards and Saddam’s Fedayeen commanded by Uday Hussein. All that we know about the battle of the tunnels for the moment is that American forces uncovered two or three secret entrances to the underground labyrinth – two of them at the international airport of Baghdad after its capture. At least one of those entrances led to a broad underground highway system with roads some 12 meters wide through which two armored personnel carriers can pass each other comfortably. Some of these passageways are designed as blind alleys to lead interlopers astray; the ones leading to the command and control bunker-fortresses are guarded by Iraqi commandos.


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