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Subject: CIA STAGES Saddam stature fall

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Date Posted: 23:10:00 04/10/03 Thu

by voxfux

You're being LIED to...

They expect us to believe that there happened to be this confluence of a smattering of listless Iraqis at the juncture of this symbolic US inroad to Baghdad’s Liberation Square and that sudenly this big rope comes literally out of thin air (I guess they always keep spools of giant rope at the base of Saddam statues just in case) and next thing thing you know the Iraqis are pulling down Saddam’s statue. Well almost. There really wasn’t a lot of umpf in the crowd. Mostly kids and like, unemployed guys. Then an American soldier decided to wrap an American flag around Saddam’s head. Word came down from Centcom, “Nix the American flag, not good symbolism at the moment. An Iraqi flag quickly went up.

This crap is reminiscent of the staged mock pro war rallies here in the United States, the CIA with their public relations giants staged a patently mock liberation rally. If it wasn’t so phony it would be laughable, but it was disgusting - It’s a lie. The CIA organized this mornings take down of the Saddam statue in Baghdad’s Liberation Square as another FAKE OUT. In this city of over 5 million people the CIA brought in about sixty of what appeared to be poor Shiite kids, various and sundry Iraqi dregs and a few delinquents but mostly news paparazzi with Betacam crews, for a photo-op which CNN quickly called the most, “indelible,” moment of the great liberation. Too bad it was a staged MOCK event you lying CNN reptile.

This, “massive,” crowd of about sixty or seventy descended on Liberation Square for another in a long line of lies, and psy-ops and disinformation, designed to fake us all out. CNN kept the camera angle close up on their web coverage because if they pulled too far out you noticed that there weren’t a whole lot of people there for this fake out, “liberation.”

It’s Iwo Jima time!
About four hours before the statue was actually pulled down by a group of listless Iraqis, one of those plastic CNN news hairdos with some general said that so far, the images were of US tanks tearing the Saddam statues down and that it would be nice for the world to see some arabic looking people tearing down some statues so that CNN (CIA) (Bush Administration) could say, “I told you so”.

And so Central Command brought in a heavily defended column of tanks and moved in for the big publicity stunt. Not even coming close to a real occupation of the city yet they took this little park and pulled out the cameras. There were more news crews in Liberation Square then Iraqi people. But hey who would even notice, right? After all, aren’t American’s brains so numbed after being so systematically lied to year after year by lie after lie that in the LieWorld such publicity stunts really take on a sense of really being there, especially with all that triumphant militaristic theme music, right?

Wrong. Only dumb believe CNN - all smart people know that everything said on that channel is lies everything - including the part where some reptile with a hairdo and way too much self tanning cream says good morning - that is a lie too - it is a fucked up morning in CNN land.

Every morning in CNN’s world is a morning full of lies. Same with the afternoon and evening.

Yea, but what about all those Shiites? They seemed pretty jubilant during their little, “Liberation Looting Spree,” in East Baghdad? Remember that one shot that they played over and over again - It looked like the guy, sort of, humped for a second, the poster of Saddam Hussein? Did anybody catch that? Anyway, they appeared to be having such joy as they tore up Saddam’s Posters? Doesn’t it feel like liberation? See! We told you so, right?


Lets put it this way, if an errant Iraqi scud missile caught the gulf stream and nailed Bush in his LieHole (his mouth) there’s a fair amount of evidence that there would be nearly 100 million people in the streets of America celebrating - Let’s make that perfectly clear. Secondly those same Iraqis who are tearing up Saddam’s posters and throwing flowers at US troops are the same people next year or maybe even next week who are going to be throwing grenades and molotave cocktails, at American troops. Anyway Iraq is not really set up to be a whore house, so why would the military want to be there one day more than they have to? If you get your information from CNN you live in a dreamy dreamy lie land, where we are the hero’s and liberators and they are the darker skinned evil ones. The rambo novelty is going to wear off in about a week and a half. Bush has entered the American people in the most expensive debaucle in decades because one of two things is going to happen. 1) We will have to pacify the people of Iraq with material goods which will work as long as the US keeps delivering material goods, food stuffs and eventually consumer electronics and designer sneakers to the entire Iraqi population in order to pacify them. This plan is basically the same thing that Bush did when he fucked our economy in his first year - He dipped into the surplus and gave everyone a BIG FAT....three hundred dollar check. So this first plan is going to be expensive. -or- 2) Get caught in a quagmire where US soldiers become the policeman of Iraq and there is constant casualties on both sides punctuated by accidental mass slaudering by the US forces of like school busses full of children or something, basically US becoming the next Isreal. A billegerant millitaristic much hated state.


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