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Subject: AUE

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Date Posted: 11:48:20 07/21/09 Tue

12 Level Ultimate * 12 Level Grand * 12 Level Mini
AUE - The ORIGINAL Level Pageant!!!

America's Ultimate Extravaganza
August 14-16 * Louisville KY

You can hit it big too at AUE!
As you can see, it is all about the face!
Beauty plus one optional event to win big!
Best of all it is leveled for the Ultimate, Grand & Mini!

click the banner & register for AUE online

***NEW*** This Year at AUE .........

America's Ultimate Extravaganza
August 14-16 * Louisville KY

NEW This Year at AUE

We are having a Cheetah Party for our contestants and their family. You are not going to want to miss out on this fun, fashionable event. There is no extra fee to participate.
We will be having fun contests, so make sure you wear the most fashionable cheetah girl outfit available. There will be a fashion show, best outfit awards, best dancers.

In addition to the Cheetah Girl Party, we will also be having a decorate your hotel door contest. We will be giving out awards for the best "Cheetah Girl" decorated Hotel Door. This event is just for fun and there is no extra fee - show us how creative you can be.

click the banner & register for AUE online

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