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Date Posted: 21:12:44 04/22/03 Tue
Author: Slatt
Subject: Library Entry Number One April 22,2003


Date Posted: 05:10:58 04/22/03 Tue

The emergence of the EU of which I believe Britain will join, will finally necessitate the US leaving NATO. Russia will try playing both sides as long as she can though in the end she will join the EU.

The US will not be able to justify the support for NATO and the required permanent presence in the Persian Gulf. We jumped the Gulf at our first opportunity since the EU is searching for oil supplies with the near demise of North Sea production. One reserve currency will have it's hand on the oil spigot, the other reserve currency wants to. A very compelling PRO-USD argument not widely acknowledged these days.

Nigeria is a real mess too. Will easily meet all of the war on terror criteria, lack of human rights, endless corruption, population in fear and poverty, and LOTS OF OIL. The US will liberate Nigeria and in so doing will establish the needed US military presence in the last unclaimed (as in the EU or China) terrestrial frontier of natural resources, Africa.

Just like the new Australian physical Au shares market, you read it here first on the PV Freedom Discussion Page!

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