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Date Posted: 20:07:55 01/21/18 Sun
Author: Pete (Happy)
Subject: Re: Does anyone remember this?
In reply to: ChaChaCharlie 's message, "Does anyone remember this?" on 10:55:23 04/07/03 Mon

>Hi Kevin,
>I was looking for the answer myself. I know it was a daytime show on NBC. I think it was late 50’s . Another stunt dumped flour on a contestant. I saw the final show when the flour stunt ended with a spark and exploded the flour. Their were shouts and the cameras went black. After a few minutes the anoncer came back on and said everything was ok but the show ended then and never came back.
Anyone know the name of the show?
>Nice site. (Saw your post on Oldies Music, so I
>thought I'd drop in.)
>I've been trying to find the answer to this question
>for a long time. Now that there's a message board,
>maybe someone out there knows.
>Years ago (40 or so) there was a game show similar to
>Beat the Clock where contestants had to perform
>certain stunts. One particular stunt involved the
>contestant having to literally "punch his way out of a
>paper bag." Invariably this always turned out to be
>almost impossible, as the bag made of much thicker
>paper than your typical grocery store variety, and was
>as nearly tall as the contestant himself.
>I remember watching this with my parents.
>Anyone else remember this, and if so the name of the
>Thanks, and good luck on your site.

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