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Date Posted: 06:46:57 04/17/06 Mon
Author: T.T. (from "The 80's Invasion" tribute band)
Subject: 4/15/06 - Your show at "The Rail"

Dear Mike, Kevin, Duane, and the rest of the band -

It was so nice to see all of you again after all this time gone by. Nice to see Lisa also (you looked beautiful, Lisa, and kool hairstyle too:). The band looked as youthful as ever, but that's what rock n roll does for you, when you truly enjoy what you are doing!

Chris, me, and my friends had a fun time at your show, and you guys really sounded and looked great! Very impressive background vocals, as Def Leppard vocals are not easy to pull off live. Vik has a good voice also, for doing Def Leppard, and I was very impressed at his range, style, and ability to stay up there vocally all night without faultering. Not an easy style to sing, but Vik did it quite accurately.

Anyway...hope to see you all again soon. Hopefully, maybe we can do some shows together down the line at some outdoor venues next year, etc.

Oh... and thanks for asking me up to sing with the band. It was a blast, and I hope the audience didn't notice the handful of ice cubes that had fallen into my left leather jacket pocket, as the water melted and was running down the side of my leg!!!...LOL :)

Best regards to all of you. Hope everyone got home safely. Thanks for the good music, and keep the rock alive!

See you soon.

T.T. (and members of "The 80's Invasion" tribute band)

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