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Date Posted: 01:08:10 11/21/06 Tue
Author: Tim (?Question)
Subject: Why do you do just Def Leppard songs?

I heard your stuff on your website and no doubt its awesome, but how did Def Leppard influence you so much and why do you dress to look like them? Rick Allen has no left arm and plays using a sieries of foot pedals with his left leg. God Rst him, Steve Clark has been dead for quite some time, thats why they got Vivian. Who is an awsome guitarist as well, and did you know the only Def Leppard song Steve ever contributed to was Gods of War. I think he either wrote it or the intro to it anyway. The rest were riffs.

If you guys were doing your own thing, and not in the shadow of a mega band I'd say come on out rockin'.
In the words of AC/DC "We Roll Tonight To The Gitaur Bite, And For Those About To Rock We Salute You."

very cool job on doing def leppard though, you sound like them its uncanny.

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