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Date Posted: 14:30:14 06/09/03 Mon
Author: Mike - Adrenalize
Subject: Joe Elliott Interview

Here is an excerpt from an interesting interview with Joe Elliott. He answers questions about the current tour, problems with their current record label, the Rock & Roll Hall of fame and more. You can read the entire interview on Def Leppards Official web site (www.defleppard.com).

Q: Will the next leg of the tour be a continuation of the previous legs or will there be some brand new surprises?

JE: We might throw something new in -- we haven't actually discussed it yet. Any show is different anyway. If people come and see us twice, they won't get to see the exact same show or the exact same set list. We might add something off "X" if it gets picked up on the radio in the future. And after the current leg? Another one in North America? Yeah, well, the current one ends late July, and then the next leg will start on July 18 (see TOUR DATES), maybe another one after that. We keep adding dates all the time that it's hard to tell! However, we're also trying really, really hard to do a European tour, and a couple of dates in (at least) Germany are already likely, maybe some in the UK. But it's too early too tell, we're only trying to get that.

Q: What is the biggest mistake Def Leppard ever made as a band?

JE: [long pause]..... Normally, I would have said, spending the amount of time and money we did on the "HYSTERIA" album, but in hindsight, it wasn't a mistake! Well, it was a mistake at the time but it ended up being an investment. People always judge mistakes by the amount of failure. So, the easy answer would be, from a commercial point of view, the "SLANG" album but to me that's not a mistake at all - it was not an artistic mistake and it was a very well-crafted record that we all still stand by.
Maybe our biggest mistake was not trying hard enough to keep Steve alive. Or, let Rick buy a Corvette. It's all hard to say, cause you can only tell when it's too late. Oh, what about not splitting up, so we could have reformed and come back bigger than we were the first time around. If anything, were too reliable!
Of all choices in your career, it could turn out to be a hit or a miss, but you won't find out until afterwards. I'm happy with "SLANG", I'm happy we picked Rick when we had three drummers to choose from, I'm happy we didn't fire Rick after his accident, I'm happy we got Phil in when Pete Willis left the band, I'm happy we chose Vivian in 1992. That's the kind of decisions that could've gone wrong and then they would be regarded as mistakes now -- but they turned out right.
Oh, I regret saying what I said about El Paso [Joe referred to El Paso as 'that place with all the greasy Mexicans'], but having said that, I learned so much from that mistake and having to apologize that I almost became a man overnight. So that had a positive outcome for me.

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