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Date Posted: 03:10:55 03/08/03 Sat
Author: d
Subject: Final regular season update

A look at Duquesne opponents was done based on preseason information from Jeff Sagarin and The Sporting News.

In addition to updating the Sagarin information to include data for game day we are now showing the RPI data (according to Jerry Palm's formula, i.e., close but not exact, at collegerpi.com); both Sporting News and RPI rankings will use the same column with the RPI numbers in green. Note: the RPI numbers are only being updated once a week by Jerry Palm this season, thereby matching the NCAA schedule.

The preseason data is in blue with a link to the opponent's men's basketball site. For Duquesne's current Sagarin info, the +/- is the change from the previous game. The rating includes the home court advantage, originally 4.25 and currently 4.12, for the host team (it's also included in the 11/13 data).

Data DateGame Date School Conference Sagarin * SN / RPI
11/13 --- Duquesne A10 West 202 (70.66) 201
11/13Sat 11/23/2002 at Pitt Big East 44 (87.58) 7
11/13Mon 11/25/2002 WEST VIRGINIA Big East 139 (74.33) 136
11/25---Duquesne A10 West 183 [+18]
77.15 [+ 2.24]

11/13Mon 11/25/2002 WEST VIRGINIA Big East 149 (74.84)
11/13Wed 11/27/2002 CLEVELAND STATE HorizonLeague155 (73.07)229
11/26---Duquesne A10 West 176 [+7]
77.49 [+ 0.34]

11/26--- CLEVELAND STATE HorizonLeague194 (72.59)
11/13Sat 11/30/2002 at Maryland ACC 2 (97.31) 14
11/30---Duquesne A10 West 205 [-29]
71.85 [- 1.30]

11/30Sat 11/30/2002 at Maryland ACC 2 (95.87)

11/13Mon 12/02/2002 at George Mason Colonial 103 (80.97) 226
11/30---Duquesne A10 West 208 [-3]
71.58 [-0.27]

11/30Mon 12/02/2002 at George Mason Colonial 118 (80.44)

11/13Sat 12/07/2002 MOUNT ST. MARY'S NEC325 (56.56)322
12/6---Duquesne A10 West 212 [-4]
76.65 [+0.85]

12/6Sat 12/07/2002 MOUNT ST. MARY'S NEC308 (65.22)

11/13Wed 12/18/2002 YOUNGSTOWN ST. HorizonLeague262 (66.11) 294
12/9---Duquesne A10 West 258 [-46]
73.00 [-3.65]

12/16Wed 12/18/2002 YOUNGSTOWN ST. HorizonLeague176 (73.65)

Fri- Sun 12/20-22/2002 San Juan Shootout
11/13Fri 12/20/2002 Sacred Heart NEC317 (58.99) 256
11/13Sat 12/21/2002 Northeastern AmericaEast 284 (63.13) 260
11/13 Troy St AtlanticSun173 (72.05)213
11/13Sun 12/22/2002 Univ. of Puerto Rico N/A N/A
11/13Auburn SEC69 (80.61)72
11/13Denver Sun Belt 264 (65.99) 274
11/13James Madison Colonial 174 (76.31)234
Fri-Sat 12/27-28/2002 FL International New Year's Classic
11/13Fri 12/27/2002St. Francis-NY NEC 226 (68.76) 198
12/23---St. Francis-NY NEC 221 (71.15)

12/23---Duquesne A10 West 252 [+6]
68.96 [-4.04]

11/13Sat 12/28/2002 Florida International Sun Belt 241 (73.12) 235
11/13 Radford Big South 203 (70.46) 305
12/27--- Florida International Sun Belt 209 (75.96)

12/27---Duquesne A10 West 236 [+16]
70.20 [+ 1.24]

11/13Tue 12/31/2002 MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MEAC 289 (62.67) 264
12/30--- MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MEAC 326 (55.97)

12/27---Duquesne A10 West 217 [+19]
75.29 [+ 0.96]

11/13Sun 01/05/2003 at St. Joseph's A10 East60 (85.61)58
01/04--- at St. Joseph's A10 East10 (92.51)3 (0.6678)
01/04---Duquesne A10 West 231 [- 14]
70.15 [- 0.99]
188 (0.4764)
11/13Wed 01/08/2003 TEMPLE A10 East 25 (82.05)46
01/06--- TEMPLE A10 East 148 (75.50)130 (0.5214)
01/06---Duquesne A10 West 226 [+ 5]
74.68 [+ 0.38]
199 (0.4751)
11/13Sat 01/11/2003 at Dayton A10 West 52 (86.41)54
01/09--- at Dayton A10 West 46 (81.89)23 (0.6223)
01/09---Duquesne A10 West 212 [+ 14]
71.27 [+ 0.74]
199 (0.4751)
11/13Sat 01/18/2003 RICHMOND A10 West 78 (79.62)91
01/16--- RICHMOND A10 West 56 (81.42)54 (0.5839)
01/16---Duquesne A10 West 205 [+ 7]
75.07 [- 0.14]
179 (0.4854)
11/13Tue 01/21/2003 at Xavier A10 West 21 (90.14) 5
01/19--- at Xavier A10 West 19 (90.58) 23 (0.6244)
01/19---Duquesne A10 West 208 [- 3]
70.89 [- 0.24]
191 (0.4802)
11/13Sat 01/25/2003 ST. BONAVENTURE A10 East 76 (80.12)123
1/23--- ST. BONAVENTURE A10 East 82 (79.33)88 (0.5538)
01/23---Duquesne A10 West 210 [- 2]
74.76 [- 0.24]
191 (0.4802)
11/13Tue 01/28/2003 at Richmond A10 West 78 (83.85) 91
01/26--- at Richmond A10 West 54 (85.50) 48 (0.5845)
01/26---Duquesne A10 West 219 [- 7]
70.26 [- 0.39]
190 (0.4860)
11/13Sat 02/01/2003 at George Washington A10 West 109 (80.57)181
01/29--- at George Washington A10 West 154 (79.07)185 (0.4860)
01/26---Duquesne A10 West 223 [- 4]
69.66 [- 0.60]
190 (0.4860)
11/13Wed 02/05/2003 DAYTON A10 West 52 (82.16)54
02/04--- DAYTON A10 West 34 (84.48)22 (0.6233)
02/04---Duquesne A10 West 232 [- 9]
73.49 [- 0.34]
210 (0.4687)
11/13 Sat 02/08/2003 LA SALLE A10 West 224 (69.07)161
02/06---LA SALLE A10 West 153 (74.77)134 (0.5163)
01/26---Duquesne A10 West 231 [+ 1]
73.90 [+ 0.34]
210 (0.4687)
11/13Sat 02/15/2003 at Fordham A10 East 172 (76.31) 153
02/13--- at Fordham A10 East 287 (69.14) 255 (0.4405)
02/13---Duquesne A10 West 234 [- 3]
68.69 [- 0.97]
231 (0.4610)
11/13Wed 02/19/2003 GEORGE WASHINGTON A10 West109 (76.32) 181
02/16--- GEORGE WASHINGTON A10 West151 (75.01) 143 (0.5115)
02/16---Duquesne A10 West 224 [+ 10]
73.24 [+ 0.61]
229 (0.4608)
11/13Sun 02/23/2003 at Massachusetts A10 East 87 (82.77) 106
02/21--- at Massachusetts A10 East 190 (76.17) 182 (0.4884)
02/16---Duquesne A10 West 220 [+ 4]
69.73 [+ 0.73]
229 (0.4608)
11/13Wed 02/26/2003 XAVIER A10 West 21 (85.91)16 (0.6267)
02/25--- XAVIER A10 West 12 (89.04)
02/25---Duquesne A10 West 228 [- 8]
73.47 [- 0.39]
235 (0.4603)
11/13Sat 03/01/2003 at La Salle A10 West 224 (73.32) 161
02/28--- at La Salle A10 West 154 (78.40) 156 (0.5034)
02/25---Duquesne A10 West 227 [+ 1]
69.53 [+ 0.19]
235 (0.4603)
11/13Sat 03/08/2003 RHODE ISLAND A10 East 205 (70.30) 196
3/7--- RHODE ISLAND A10 East 94 (77.99) 88 (0.5412)
03/7---Duquesne A10 West 221 [+ 6]
73.71 [+ 0.06]
242 (0.4583)

* SN = Sporting News preseason rating in data of 11/13/02; RPI data on or after 01/04/03

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