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Subject: *Black dust truns to shield his eyes from flying dirt as the dragon pushes away from the earth*

Ivory Wishes and Black Dust
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Date Posted: 12:10:42 08/06/02 Tue
In reply to: Serene 's message, ""Hello, dear ones"" on 07:27:53 08/06/02 Tue

'Thanks again! And remember be back here at dusk' Black Dust hollored over the loud winds. As the dragon disappeared into the sky he turned and walked past his sister to Rose. 'At last! we meet an old friend' He smiled as he nudged the female happy for her and her way of life, 'When mother sent us off I never thought I'd see the day when we'd return! But Wishes tricked me into comeing back, mother is going to have a fit!.' He chucked slightly and turned to hear his siters conversation with Serene.

'Hello ma'am. Kosses is our mother, dont you remember us? Oh! How silly of me-' By now she was standing, her tail wagging gleefully. '-I dont think you were around when we left! Mother sent us off to Russia so we'd be save from those BMs. Has mother killed them yet?' she waits eagerly for the reaspons-recalling the time she was captive to those killers.

Black Dust turned back to Rose and froced a smile, 'Mother is going to so mad when she sees us here. Would you come with us to see her? I am afraid to be left alone with her at first. She is going to be steaming.' Gulps shyly 'Please?'

Ivory Wishes listened to her brother then asked Serene the same question, fearing very much as he did.

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[> [> [> Subject: nods with a smile on her muzzle

Run to the Rose
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Date Posted: 13:24:20 08/06/02 Tue

"I will take you to camelot, and the Bm's still appear once in a while, but they've been laying low latly,"vix says to Ivory Wishes, vix turns back to Black Dust and asks" Do you wish to see your mother right away or just wander around camelot for a bit?" a grin light up in her orbs

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *Ivory begins to suggest going to thier mother right away but Black Dust has different plans*

Black Dust and sister
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Date Posted: 17:18:44 08/07/02 Wed

'Come on sis! We might as well have fun before we get yelled at!' He begs with puppy eyes.

'I dunno' Looks to Rose in question, wondering what she thought was best.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: smiles and nods to Black dusts suggestion

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Date Posted: 18:22:25 08/07/02 Wed

"I would see how camelot has changed before seeing your mother, I havn't seen her sense, the news of my mothers deth, then we went our own ways again, so are we going to have a little fun first or not," her tail wags happily, this probably would be the last time she had fun in a long time with the pups in her future

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Wishes rolls eyes but agrees to the fun*

Ivory Wishes and Black Dust
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Date Posted: 07:15:39 08/08/02 Thu

'Where should we go first?!?' She asks, her own tail starting to wag quickly.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Closes her orbs thinking

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Date Posted: 07:27:46 08/08/02 Thu

"Well, theres a new pack in camelot, and the Hall of Kings, which should we start with?" she streches, then nugges wishes, and whispers to her "You don't have to be serious all the time, life can have some surprises, your mother could be happy to see you, you know," she smiles and laughs a bit

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: "Or you could come visit your dear Uncle and meet his new mate." He suggested, appearing from the shadows with a wry grin.

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Date Posted: 08:00:23 08/08/02 Thu

He approached his adopted niece and nephew and grinned at them fondly, "Your right, your mother will be furious with you, but I suspect she'll be thrilled to see the both of you primarily."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: looks to him

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Date Posted: 09:02:43 08/08/02 Thu

she bows her head to he and says"we were just suggesting to exlpore but I think it would be better for them to be with you," her eyes saden a bit but not much, she would have fun some other time, she smiles to all

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Both pups leap to thier uncle*

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Date Posted: 23:20:42 08/08/02 Thu

'Uncle!' They shout as the crowd around him 'We left the otehrs back in Russia, just incase mother was mad!' Ivory Barks

'What is this about a mate? I would like to met the Lady' Black Dust nods, almost as tall as his close uncle

Ivory walked back over to Rose, 'Maybe you're right. Maybe she wont be mad, but anyway...let's go have some fun.'

'Comeing Uncle?' Asked Black Dust fondly.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: "Of course." He replied smoothly, "Dust, my boy, you are going to be as tall as me, and that is quite and achievment." He infomed him , chuckling in reference to his height.

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Date Posted: 05:40:55 08/09/02 Fri

"Now, to my pack?"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Nods

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Date Posted: 07:45:10 08/09/02 Fri

her tail wags madly, she was ready to go

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Both pups take off and break-neck speed*

Ivory Wishes and Black Dust
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Date Posted: 20:22:29 08/09/02 Fri

(I have AWESOME pictures but I cant get into my accout *grr* but aynwayz...)

'Catch us if you can!'

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