Hurricane,& pups
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Date Posted: 17:00:45 08/11/02 Sun
*Yelps as the bear's paw hits him,and he goes tumbling to the ground with a tthud that is heard as well as seen.He stands up 'pon shaky legs then limps up to the bear and tries to sink daggers into its throat.*
*Sirus lay next to Star Gazer to giver her his warmth,not that it was of much use..*
*Silver Shadow felt Cold Blade's wet,rough nose nudging her,and her eyes flickered open,and her tail hits the ground once with a soft thud of a wag.She licks his ear,then staggers,trying to get up.She manages to stand for a short while.But a few moments later and her legs give way beneath her,making her tumble to the ground.Her head bangs hard against the ground and she whines,and her eyes roll and her world goes black,but she remains consious,though unable to see.She gives a frightened whine,wondering what had happened to the world,and why it had become so dark...*
((Ok,bye.and have fun!:))
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