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Subject: Winged yearling watches others

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Date Posted: 14:11:37 08/28/02 Wed

The winged yearling watches the other wolfs from a boulder on a hill some ways away most, he sighs, he had been on his own seen's he was about 5 weeks, one had taken him in then disappeared a week later, but he was stronging, and this wings were almost ready, he sighs and watches the others again, his opal, gold necklaces sparkling in the sun

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[> Subject: -Approaches-

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Date Posted: 11:47:19 08/30/02 Fri

The white wolf watches from the shadows, wondering what the yearling cub was doing out here. A spark of recognition comes to his face, and he steps forward, approaching the wolf. "Is that you Zieth? Are you the Zieth that used to live in Arctic Land?" He asks, wondering, for it seemed he had seen this cub somwhere....

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[> [> Subject: Nods

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Date Posted: 13:50:10 08/30/02 Fri

yearling smiles and nods"it's been a long time Cloud, but ya it's me" he smiles again, "What new, with you?"brute looks to with wolf, he was black him-self and totally different but he didn't care, all that maters is that there pack mates and they respect each other

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[> [> [> Subject: -Shrugs-

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Date Posted: 22:02:13 08/30/02 Fri

He shrugs. "Not much I guess. I went out to find my mother after the lands split up, but not being able to find her, I came back to Arctic Land." He looked around at the brush and trees surrounding him. "Flur is the new Alpha Male" He adds, as an offhand comment. What he really wanted to know was why Zieth was out here, but he didn't want to approach the subject too quickly.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Nods again

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Date Posted: 08:37:35 08/31/02 Sat

"I've heard that he's taken the postion, and that 2 wolve take the back-up fmale, postion, too. I should go back there soon, so no one thinks I'm inactive, but not just yet." His haded orbs look over the lone wolves that skater this land, he sighs lightly, and looks over them again

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