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Date Posted: 15:56:46 05/06/03 Tue
Author: M
Subject: Re: Altogether better.... a matter of life and death
In reply to: Philbert 's message, "Re: Altogether better.... a matter of life and death" on 11:01:18 05/06/03 Tue

Thanks for the Stepek corporate info Philbert - any Stepek
related news is always welcome here...

Interesting (and perhaps poignant?) that if Stepek is out of business, then any direct Stepek encounters will forever be frozen in the murk of the past; scrawled in the nook and crannies of annals of history, somewhere, SOMEWHERE, waiting to be discoverd...

Your conspiracy theory is an intriguing one, but does not wholly convince me. Surely someone has had a face-to-face Stepek encounter; has actully *seen* one of these mythical emporia??????????????

>Stepek went out of business a few years back, there
>was stuff in the papers (well, the Daily Retard) about
>it. It was named after the owner, a guy called (I
>think) Jan Stepek.
>I can't believe I remembered that.
>What I've never seen or heard of is anyone actually
>buying or renting anything from one of these stores -
>I think that they are merely fronts for an
>international ring of cheap-advert-smugglers (although
>admittedly it's not very good cover).
>Hmm, there doesn't seem to be a message icon for "load
>of wank". Shame

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