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Date Posted: 11:10:09 09/22/03 Mon
Author: Martin the Martian
Subject: A Postcard of Sorts

I'm just back from my holidays south of the border (avec my girl) , an epic journey from Edinburgh to Sheffield to Nottingham to Somerton in Somerset to Bristol to London and back home.

Its been good and crazy and not-so-crazy. Been to two (count 'em) weddings and seen old friends and made new ones.

Went to Camden Monarch in London to a gig, which was my first experience of giggage in the capital - saw a New York band called the Hissyfits, who were pretty crap (but not in an endearing way). Spent rest of the evening dancing to The Knack and Rainbow downstairs. "Since You've Been Gone" could just be the greatest artwork of the 20th Century????
£3 a pint, still got drunk though ;-P Cool vibes, loads of people who looked too cool for school - scabby indie fun. The guitarist guy from The Datsuns was sitting at the next table - quite impressed with that, although they are merely comedy rock.
Our friend Alice took us to all the cool second hand shops and let us sleep in her house (thankyou!)

Watched these films while away - Goodbye Lenin, Spirited Away and Harold and Maud - all good, especially Spirited Away - go see this wierd beautiful animation.

Read Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix...

Went on a boatride in Bristol.

Went to a William Blake exhibition in Sheffield, and to Tate Modern in London. Bill Viola's Angels are majestic and wonderful.

Well, home home now now. Looking forward to getting back to my band Indafusion and continuing to push the Mission forwards.

see y'all soon,
M xxx

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