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Date Posted: 23:11:29 07/26/01 Thu
Author: Marge
Author Host/IP: ool-18b88545.dyn.optonline.net /
Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave
In reply to:
Hardlines 10401
's message, "Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave" on 19:37:09 07/08/01 Sun
>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>1 Levittown
>2 Elmont
>3 Linden
>4 Babylon
>5 Melville
>6 Middle Island
>7 Oceanside
>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>9 Hempstead
>10 Sayville
>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>12 Bruckner
>13 Kearney
>14 North Bergen
>17 Astoria
>20 Springfield
>21 Bayridge
>23 Sheepshead Bay
>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>Watch for our next contest.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 21:18:47 11/27/04 Sat (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/
I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville on Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986. Terri Tailor was the manager of the stationary/luggage dept. A gaggle of stuffed shirts all named "Jeff" and a dipsh*t named EUGene Mullins pretended that they were running the place. That's all I [care to] remember. I worked along with Terri Nardo, Tori Ingram, and Jeff Parlamo.
Any o those names ring a bell? >>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>1 Levittown
>>2 Elmont
>>3 Linden
>>4 Babylon
>>5 Melville
>>6 Middle Island
>>7 Oceanside
>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>9 Hempstead
>>10 Sayville
>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>12 Bruckner
>>13 Kearney
>>14 North Bergen
>>17 Astoria
>>20 Springfield
>>21 Bayridge
>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>Watch for our next contest.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 20:53:33 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/
> I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville on
>Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986. Terri Tailor
>was the manager of the stationary/luggage dept. A
>gaggle of stuffed shirts all named "Jeff" and a
>dipsh*t named EUGene Mullins pretended that they were
>running the place. That's all I [care to] remember. I
>worked along with Terri Nardo, Tori Ingram, and Jeff
>Any o those names ring a bell?
> >>Contest # 1
>"Name the last Store Manager"
>>>1 Levittown
>>>2 Elmont
>>>3 Linden
>>>4 Babylon
>>>5 Melville
>>>6 Middle Island
>>>7 Oceanside
>>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>>9 Hempstead
>>>10 Sayville: Dr. Tarr and Proffesor Feather.
>>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>>12 Bruckner
>>>13 Kearney
>>>14 North Bergen
>>>17 Astoria
>>>20 Springfield
>>>21 Bayridge
>>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>>Watch for our next contest.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese,, 07:50:54 11/29/04 Mon (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/
> I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville on
>Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986. Terri Tailor
>was the manager of the stationary/luggage dept. A
>gaggle of stuffed shirts all named "Jeff" and a
>dipsh*t named EUGene Mullins pretended that they were
>running the place. That's all I [care to] remember. I
>worked along with Terri Nardo, Tori Ingram, and Jeff
>Any o those names ring a bell?
> >>Contest # 1
>"Name the last Store Manager"
>>>1 Levittown
>>>2 Elmont
>>>3 Linden
>>>4 Babylon
>>>5 Melville
>>>6 Middle Island
>>>7 Oceanside
>>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>>9 Hempstead
>>>10 Sayville: We had a Store Manager?
>>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>>12 Bruckner
>>>13 Kearney
>>>14 North Bergen
>>>17 Astoria
>>>20 Springfield
>>>21 Bayridge
>>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>>Watch for our next contest.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:38:33 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/
>>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>1 Levittown
>>2 Elmont
>>3 Linden
>>4 Babylon
>>5 Melville
>>6 Middle Island
>>7 Oceanside
>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>9 Hempstead
>>10 Sayville: Lord Choas(?)
>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>12 Bruckner
>>13 Kearney
>>14 North Bergen
>>17 Astoria
>>20 Springfield
>>21 Bayridge
>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>Watch for our next contest.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:39:35 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/
>>>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>>1 Levittown
>>>2 Elmont
>>>3 Linden
>>>4 Babylon
>>>5 Melville
>>>6 Middle Island
>>>7 Oceanside
>>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>>9 Hempstead
>>>10 Sayville: Lord Chaos(?)
>>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>>12 Bruckner
>>>13 Kearney
>>>14 North Bergen
>>>17 Astoria
>>>20 Springfield
>>>21 Bayridge
>>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>>Watch for our next contest.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Sean Greene, 05:26:22 10/27/08 Mon (cpe-075-176-104-126.carolina.res.rr.com/
>>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>1 Levittown Pat Maligno
>>2 Elmont
>>3 Linden
>>4 Babylon Ben Weprinski
>>5 Melville
>>6 Middle Island
>>7 Oceanside
>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>9 Hempstead
>>10 Sayville
>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>12 Bruckner
>>13 Kearney
>>14 North Bergen
>>17 Astoria
>>20 Springfield
>>21 Bayridge
>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>Watch for our next contest.
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