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Date Posted: 16:28:06 09/28/16 Wed
Author: ted matozzo (hey Joe)
Author Host/IP: ool-44c00404.dyn.optonline.net /
Subject: Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave
In reply to:
Joseph Di Domenico
's message, "Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave" on 05:37:28 06/07/13 Fri
>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>Farrell, and George Baque.
>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>the US Department of Labor.
>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown, it is now being torn down not sure why.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joseph DiDomenico (Joseph DiDomenico), 06:12:52 05/26/17 Fri (ool-6894c1d6.dyn.optonline.net/
>>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>>Farrell, and George Baque.
>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>the US Department of Labor.
>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in
>Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by
>accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown,
>it is now being torn down not sure why.
Hey, Ted - yes, I remember you. I'm doing well; hope all is well with you. Yes, the old place became a Kmart-- I'd worked there for awhile, too. Kmart closed that store, and I heard a Home Depot or a store like it is going up there.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- marjorie (mandia), 18:13:45 04/17/18 Tue (ool-44c6e13c.dyn.optonline.net/
This is Marge Mandia, I am currently collecting a tss pension. The company now holding the pension is Paul revere companies.. 1 fountain square Chattanoga , tn 37402 phone number 1800 821 4693.. I hope this helps you if you even get this message :)
>>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>>the US Department of Labor.
>>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that
>>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in
>>Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by
>>accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown,
>>it is now being torn down not sure why.
>Hey, Ted - yes, I remember you. I'm doing well; hope
>all is well with you. Yes, the old place became a
>Kmart-- I'd worked there for awhile, too. Kmart closed
>that store, and I heard a Home Depot or a store like
>it is going up there.
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Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Stan, 23:54:29 01/05/19 Sat (cpe-104-139-19-16.carolina.res.rr.com/
The Levittown store became Kmart, which closed in 2004. Home Depot bought the building and kept it empty for 13 years. Finally, they knocked it down and built a new Home Depot building.
>This is Marge Mandia, I am currently collecting a tss
>pension. The company now holding the pension is Paul
>revere companies.. 1 fountain square Chattanoga , tn
>37402 phone number 1800 821 4693.. I hope this
>helps you if you even get this message :)
>>>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I
>>>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>>>the US Department of Labor.
>>>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that
>>>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them.
>>>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions
>>>>I suspect one place while the company operating
>>>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>>Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in
>>>Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by
>>>accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown,
>>>it is now being torn down not sure why.
>>Hey, Ted - yes, I remember you. I'm doing well; hope
>>all is well with you. Yes, the old place became a
>>Kmart-- I'd worked there for awhile, too. Kmart closed
>>that store, and I heard a Home Depot or a store like
>>it is going up there.
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